
9 Syrians killed in attack on agricultural workers in Idlib countryside | News

Syrian regime forces attacked agricultural workers in the village of Qaqfin in the rural province, killing nine civilians, including six children and a woman, and injuring another woman from a family. idlib northwest Syria.

The Anatolian news agency said the attack was carried out by armed groups loyal to the Syrian regime based in the village of Khan Sabil in the south of the province.

The attack was carried out using surface-to-surface weapons and targeted olive-picking workers in the village of Kakfin in southern Idlib.

she says white helmet Rescuers rushed the injured to the nearest medical point and provided her with first aid, and recovered the body of the deceased and handed it over to her family.

and control Tahrir al-Sham It covers approximately half of the (northwestern) Idlib governorate and limited adjacent areas of the neighboring governorates of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama. The region is home to 3 million people, about half of whom have been displaced.

In September 2018, Ankara and Moscow concluded an additional memorandum of understanding to strengthen the Idlib ceasefire, which was included in the de-escalation zone agreement between Turkey, Russia and Iran during the 2017 Astana conference, but the regime Intensified attacks in the region in 2019.

On May 5, 2020, Moscow and Ankara reached a new ceasefire agreement in Idlib, but regime forces have violated the agreement from time to time.

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