
Al Jazeera broadcasts photo program of destruction in Juhr al-Dik area in central Gaza

Al Jazeera broadcast images showing the massive destruction caused by Israeli bombing in the Juhr al-Dik area (in the center of the Gaza Strip) and relayed testimonies from residents about the very violent use of bombs by the occupying forces during the war.

Pictures broadcast by Al Jazeera show extensive damage caused by Israeli bombing of the Juhr al-Dik area (central). Gaza StripIt also reported testimonies from residents who spoke of the occupation forces’ use of very violent bombs during the war.

The buildings appeared to be completely or almost completely destroyed, including schools, clinics and residential buildings, with one resident sitting on the rubble of one of the houses saying they had been hit by a very heavy bombing.

Another witness said that they responded to the call and moved to the Juhr al-Dik area as a safe place, stressing that the occupying forces bombed Gaza residential buildings only two hours after they arrived in the area. He added, “We have no homeland except Gaza. We will live, die and be buried there.”

A third said they moved to Juhr al-Dik from the north and when they arrived they found the place had been bombed.

Photos show the aftermath of heavy bombardment of the Huda Mosque, with entire houses razed to the ground.

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