
‘Almost nobody’ believes Ukraine will win – Hungarian PM — RT World News

Viktor Orban has reportedly said that dissatisfaction with EU policies represents an opportunity for conservatives across the bloc

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the immediate future is bleak for the European Union because of the way the conflict in Ukraine is unfolding.

He made the remarks during a conference of the parliamentary faction of Fidesz and the Kurdistan Democratic Party behind closed doors on Wednesday, according to media reports.

Orban, a prominent critic of the bloc's policies and opposed its financing of Kiev's conflict against Russia, predicted a major victory for conservative parties in the European Parliament elections in June.

“The war will not end. The burden on Europe will become heavier, because financial support for Ukraine will decrease due to disagreements in the United States amid the presidential elections.” He said before the conference, according to the newspaper “Majri Nemzet.”

Supporting the Ukrainians comes at a high political price. Farmers are revolting across Europe, and almost no one believes in a Ukrainian victory. Urban added.

He noted that there may be a change in Brussels' policy after the elections, and Washington could also change course after the presidential elections later this year.

Orban's expectations about the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine appear to agree with the opinions of citizens in 12 EU member states, who were recently surveyed by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

The results of the poll were published on Wednesday and showed that only 10% of participants believe that Ukraine will defeat Russia on the battlefield. Twice that number believe that Russia will prevail, while 37% said that a compromise settlement is the most likely outcome.

Hungarians were the most pessimistic about a Ukrainian victory, with only 5% considering this to be the likely outcome of the conflict. 31% expected Russia to win.

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