
northern Gaza residents reject displacement policy

Gaza – The Israeli occupation makes no secret of its surprise at the persistence of most residents of the northern region Gaza Stripespecially in the town of Jabaliya and its camps, where despite brutal massacres and the systematic destruction of all necessities of life, including food, water and medicine, they remained in their homes .

Palestinian residents of Jabaliya, displaced to central and southern Gaza, confirmed that despite all Israel’s brutal measures, the northern Gaza Strip indeed remains densely populated.

Israeli occupation radio said last Sunday that 75% of the population Jabaliya CampThey did not migrate to the south, which complicated land and air attacks by occupying forces.

Compared to its narrow area, the area north of the Gaza Strip is considered one of the most densely populated.

A family in Jabaliya refugee camp stands in front of an asylum center in the central Gaza Strip
A family in Jabaliya refugee camp stands in front of an asylum center in the central Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

The secret to resilience

After 45 days of persistence, Lubna Salah’s family decided to leave the Jabaliya camp and settled yesterday Monday at a school refuge center east of the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip .

“I am firmly against all crimes committed during the occupation, but Israel is not merciful and its goal is extermination. It is not against the resistance but against ordinary people,” Lubner said in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Regarding the secret of the steadfastness of the residents of the northern Gaza Strip, Salah confirmed that the main reason is the high degree of patriotism spread among them, adding, “The people there are steadfast to prove to an unjust world that we The people are determined.” The motherland is dear to us. ”

She continued: “We say to everyone who has let us down: we don’t need lunch, we don’t need solar energy, we don’t need medicines. We will stand firm. We will grow olives and thyme. Our country will return to green and we will will liberate it alone. If they want to exterminate the people, we stand firm, we resist, we stand firm until our last breath.”

Expressing remorse for leaving Jabaliya, she said: “I swear to God, I’m speaking to you with tears in my eyes and I said to my husband: I want us and our children to die at home. We We were forced out.” “To protect our children. You can’t imagine how we lived? My son fell out of bed because of the severity of the explosion, imagine the carnage that wiped out an entire family.”

She explained that she lived opposite Kamal Adwan Hospital and described herself as a witness to the “massacre of the occupation”, noting that Israel deliberately bombed the area randomly, despite it being a commercial and very crowded area.

The same spokesperson confirmed that she witnessed my massacre Al-Fakhoura and Tal Al-Zaatar killed about 200 martyrs On Saturday, she added: “I saw with my own eyes that the courtyard of Kamal Adwan Hospital was filled with countless martyrs, and when it was full, they began to line up the corpses on the sidewalk. There were hundreds of people, including children, whose bodies had been Cut off, their families barely recognize them.”

Karam Shafii of Jabaliya camp said he regretted leaving the camp despite the dangers he faced there
Karam Shafie of Jabaliya camp says he regrets leaving the camp despite the dangers he faces there (Al Jazeera)

Displacement under bombing

In turn, Karam Shafie, who was displaced from the Jabaliya refugee camp yesterday Monday, expressed remorse for his displacement, adding, “Believe me, after I reached the refuge center here, I was forced to live under fire “Leave”, I regret leaving the Jabaliya camp, except that we have children, minors and patients. “We can’t hold on any longer.”

and in his speech He confirmed to Al Jazeera Network,For people who remained steadfast despite “acts of genocide” because they clung to their land and believed in God’s will and destiny.A national spirit prevails in the north, with people rejecting Israel’s displacement plans, but what leaves us is death and no sign of a solution. ”

Shafi’i confirmed that although many families have left the Jabaliya camp, the camp is still overcrowded, adding: “The camp is still very crowded and people refuse to leave, despite the very difficult conditions there. They are being eliminated,” the warning said. Indiscriminate bombing has created a catastrophic situation, as well as a lack of services such as water and treatment.

Baraa Ghaliun, a young man, attributes the steadfastness of northern Gaza's residents to three reasons, the most important of which is their attachment to the land.
Young man Bala Galion attributes the steadfastness of northern Gaza residents to three reasons, the most important of which is their attachment to the land (Al Jazeera)

3 reasons to persist

Although he and his family were displaced from the northern Gaza Strip, young man Baraa Ghalioun confirmed that most people there refused to leave, attributing the matter to three reasons, the first being that “people are attached own land, saying, ‘This is our land and we don’t want to leave,’ and the second is that there are a lot of citizens who believe they can still continue to live and provide some necessities in some areas.”

The third reason, according to Galion, is the lack of alternatives, as people say, “Where are we going? In the South there are also killings and massacres every day, so where will we live? In tents or in the streets superior?” ? It would be kinder to die in our home. ”

Despite the grim situation in the shelters and the difficulty of life, Galion expressed optimism about the future, saying: Al Jazeera Network “With the steadfastness of our people, Israeli aggression will not achieve its goals, and we will steadfastly remain in our homeland, where we await the good news of returning home.”

A Palestinian child from the Jabaliya refugee camp arrives with his family at a shelter in the central Gaza Strip
A Palestinian child from Jabaliya refugee camp arrives with her family at a shelter in the central Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

According to statistics from the General Directorate of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza Strip, as of the end of 2022, the population of the Northern Province of the Gaza Strip was estimated at 388,977, and the total population of the Gaza Strip was 2,375,000.

The province covers an area of ​​approximately 62 square kilometers, accounting for 17% of the total area of ​​the Gaza Strip.

Jabaliya Refugee Camp is the largest refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. It was built in 1948 to accommodate refugees displaced after the Palestinian Nakba and was named after the adjacent village of Jabaliya.

The camp is currently home to approximately 116,011 refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and covers an area of ​​no more than 1.4 square kilometres.

Since its founding, the camp has become known as the base and spark of the Palestinian revolution first Palestinian uprising In 1987, he also played an important role in igniting the Al-Aqsa uprising in late 2000.

A displaced Palestinian sets up his tent after arriving at a shelter in the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.
A displaced Palestinian sets up tent after arriving at a refuge center in the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

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