
Beijing warns Washington against crossing ‘red lines’ — RT World News

The Chinese Foreign Minister told his American counterpart that negative factors in relations between the United States and China are increasing

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday during talks with his US counterpart Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the United States is challenging China's core interests and suppressing the country's development.

the “Giant ship” Stability of Sino-American relations “But the negative factors in the relationship are still increasing and accumulating.” Wang Yi said during a meeting held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Blinken arrived in Beijing on Thursday from Shanghai, where he urged the Chinese government to provide equal opportunities for American companies in the country. It is not yet clear whether the Foreign Minister will meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping before his departure.

Bilateral relations are “Facing all kinds of disturbances. China's legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed, and our fundamental interests are facing challenges. Wang Yi confirmed.

The Foreign Minister warned that Beijing and Washington could either engage in cooperation or confrontation.

China is interested “Stable, healthy and sustainable” Relationships and “Win-win cooperation” He pointed out that he is with the United States.

He stressed that for it to continue, Washington must not interfere in China's internal affairs or cross Beijing's “red lines” when it comes to China's sovereignty, security and development.

The Foreign Minister appeared to be referring to tensions over Taiwan, which Beijing considers a Chinese province. Despite agreeing to the “one China” policy on paper, the United States maintains relations with the self-governing island and supplies arms to Taipei.

Blinken told Wang Yi about this “There is no alternative in our judgment to direct diplomacy.” Between the two countries. The administration of US President Joe Biden wants to ensure this He added: “We are as clear as possible about the areas in which we disagree, at least to avoid misunderstandings, and to avoid miscalculations.” He said.

Before Blinken's trip, US State Department officials indicated that China's alleged support for Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine would top the agenda during his meetings with Chinese officials. Beijing has not supplied Moscow with any weapons, but US officials claim that Chinese-made circuits, aircraft parts and machine tools are helping Russia boost its military industrial capacity.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing informed sources, that US authorities are preparing sanctions that will not only target Chinese companies but will also isolate some of the country's banks from the global financial system.

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