
Biden told his campaign staffers to focus on ‘crazy’ Trump statements – CNN — RT World News

One strategist said that the US President's re-election bid focuses on defining him as the “polar opposite” of his predecessor

US President Joe Biden issued personal instructions to his aides in his re-election campaign to intensify their focus on the campaign of his rival, Donald Trump. “inflammatory” CNN reported on Tuesday, citing two informed sources.

The Democrat reportedly told his senior staff to focus on “Crazy sh*t” The Republican front-runner says it publicly in an attempt to paint Trump as unstable and unfit for the presidency.

“Donald Trump is the exact opposite of everything President Biden stands for and has accomplished since taking office, and the campaign’s top priority over the next nine months will be making this stark choice for voters.” Ammar Moussa, rapid response director for the Biden campaign, told CNN in a statement.

The campaign is said to be concerned that voters have forgotten “Outrageous and unacceptable” Aspects of the Trump presidency and look at Biden's predecessor's term to the end “Rose-colored glasses.”

Last week, Biden repeatedly took aim at his rival over Trump's suggestion that he would not stand up for America's NATO allies who are falling behind on their defense spending targets. The president described Trump's position as… “Horrific” And “Un-American.”

Instructions to harp on Trump's divisive statement were reportedly delivered to staff before special counsel Robert Hoare described Biden as “An old man with a weak memory” In his report on the president's mishandling of classified documents.

The White House disputed Hohr's unflattering description of the president, and Biden himself insisted that he does not have memory problems. “I know what the hell I'm doing” He told reporters at a news conference this month. However, he raised some eyebrows at the same event when he mixed up the names of the leaders of Egypt and Mexico while discussing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

An ABC-Ipsos poll published earlier this month showed that 86% of voters believe Biden should not run for re-election because of his age. He is the oldest president in the history of the United States, and will be 86 years old by the end of his second term if he is re-elected.

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