
Biden told Netanyahu he won’t support retaliation against Iran – Axios — RT World News

Washington is concerned about a major escalation fraught with “catastrophic consequences.”

US President Joe Biden has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Washington will not support retaliatory strikes against Iran after the latter launched a barrage of missiles and drones against the Jewish state over the weekend, Axios reported on Sunday.

According to an unnamed senior White House official cited by the outlet, Biden delivered the warning during a phone call Saturday between the two leaders. Other US officials also noted that Biden and his administration are as well “Very worried” Any mutual action may lead to a regional war with it “Disastrous consequences.”

Given these concerns, Biden reportedly told Netanyahu that Israel had essentially won in this clash with Iran and advised him to do so. “Take the win.” Meanwhile, the Israeli Prime Minister said he understood that any retaliatory action would not be supported by the United States, Axios reported.

Meanwhile, an unnamed Israeli official told The Times of Israel that the country's leadership has not yet made a decision on a possible response and that the issue will be discussed at a war cabinet meeting on Sunday afternoon.

Iran launched a powerful attack on Israel over the weekend, including more than 300 missiles and suicide drones, according to the Israeli military. The strikes were in response to what Iran claims was an Israeli raid on Tehran's consulate in Damascus, Syria, early this month, which resulted in the deaths of a number of senior Iranian military officers.

The Israeli military claimed to have shot down 99% of Iranian drones and missiles, a defensive operation hailed by Israeli officials as a major success.

But Tehran used a different tone, with its officials insisting that the bombing actually happened “Greater success than expected” And the claim of destroying two Israeli bases. Israel acknowledged only minor damage to one military facility.

The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, indicated that his country has no intention of continuing the operation, and that it is intended to serve as a military operation. “punishment” For Israel. He warned West Jerusalem of A “much wider” Respond if you decide to launch a counterattack.

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