
Biden weaponizing FBI and DOJ against Americans – Tara Reade — RT World News

The whistleblower has previously been targeted over sexual assault allegations against the US president

The run-up to the US election is bringing President Joe Biden's scandals into the public eye, including his family's alleged money laundering schemes in Ukraine, said Tara Reade, RT contributor and former US Senate aide.

She accused the Biden administration of using government institutions as a weapon to silence Americans like her and others involved in the 2021 Capitol riots.

Following her 23-minute interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, which aired on Thursday, Reid told RT she hopes her example will motivate others to come forward and tell their stories.

“I have been approached several times in the past by women who wanted to come forward, but because of what happened to me, they were too afraid.” She said.

Although Reade's allegation that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 did not surface until the 2020 election campaign, she said she submitted a report to the Senate immediately after the alleged incident, and is still trying to open the report's files.

“The election year is just highlighting that, because I think there is other corruption that needs to be exposed about Biden, particularly the misconduct he committed in Ukraine, the money laundering and other activities that he and his family have enriched,” he added. “In this proxy war that the United States and NATO are waging against Russia through Ukraine.” Reid explained.

She added that while “People in America and other NATO countries see corruption.” The leaders of those countries are “Unfortunately you still benefit.”

Reid described after sharing details of the alleged assault “It was very scary for the government to arm me, to go after my family.”

She suggested that Carlson's interview shows that the public is becoming more aware of this issue.

“People see the political use of the Department of Justice and the FBI against American citizens and other citizens.” She claimed, arguing that participants in the Capitol riot were persecuted in a similar way, with the Biden administration “Using intelligence to go after Americans.”

Watch the full interview below:

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