
Blinken to warn China against helping Russia in Ukraine — RT World News

The top US diplomat plans to threaten consequences for arms exports during his upcoming visit to Beijing

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken aims to put pressure on Chinese officials when he travels to Beijing on Wednesday, warning that there could be consequences for exporting materials to Russia with potential military applications.

Blinken, who is scheduled to stop in Beijing and Shanghai during his three-day trip to the People's Republic of China, plans to meet with Foreign Minister Wang Yi. he will “We reiterate our deep concerns about the People’s Republic of China’s support of Russia’s defense industrial base.” A US State Department spokesman told reporters.

The case revolves around China's exports of machine tools, microelectronics, optics and other products that could be used to make weapons amid the conflict in Ukraine. Blinken's trip follows a similar warning issued by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen when she visited China earlier this month.

“The concern there is that through Chinese support, Russia has significantly reshaped its defense industrial base, which has an impact not only on the battlefield in Ukraine, but poses a greater threat, we believe, to broader European security.” A Foreign Ministry spokesman said. “So this raises our deep concerns. We will express these concerns to China and we will express our intention to have China reduce this support.

The State Department warned that it would take “Further steps as necessary” To deter China from assisting the Russian defense industry. “We are committed to taking the necessary steps to defend our national interests, and we stand ready to take steps when we deem them necessary against companies that take steps that conflict with our interests and in ways that – as we have noted here – severely undermine security in both Ukraine and Europe. The speaker said.

Blinken raised the issue when he met with G7 leaders earlier this week in Italy. He did not specify potential sanctions during his talks in Beijing, but the new sanctions could target Chinese financial institutions, the Financial Times reported, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter.

United States being “Very direct” About her concerns and her will “Holding China accountable” Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said that the United States accused Russia of its actions related to providing dual-use technologies to Russia while trying to strengthen its relations with Europe. “What we have tried to stress with the European and Chinese interlocutors is that these dual objectives are inconsistent, and that we want China to think very carefully about the way forward.”

Chinese officials have maintained a policy of neutrality on the Ukrainian conflict, insisting that Beijing does not sell weapons to Russia. They were angered by allegations of violations of Western sanctions imposed on Moscow.

“China regulates the export of dual-use items in accordance with laws and regulations.” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning told reporters earlier this week. He added: “Relevant countries should not distort or attack the normal relations between China and Russia, and should not harm the legitimate rights and interests of China and Chinese companies.”

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