
Bullets shot directly to the head… Occupation forces kill 3 Palestinians in Tulkarem | News

The Israeli occupation continues its attacks on the West Bank while continuing its war on the Gaza Strip, which has been going on for three months, following a brutal attack on the city of Tulkarem that killed three Palestinians in the Aqtaba area east of the city. A fourth person was also arrested.

Witnesses confirmed that occupying forces shot three Palestinians directly in the head.

Israeli special forces have infiltrated the suburb with the aim of arresting wanted men following armed clashes with the city's resistance fighters.

According to the Anatolian News Agency, citing the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the three martyrs are Yusuf Ali Houli (22 years old), Ahed Salman Moussa (23 years old) and Tariq Amjad Shaheen (24), the number of martyrs in the West Bank has risen to 340 since October 7, according to ministry data. A further 3,949 people were injured in the Al-Madi region.

Storms, sieges and conflicts

Palestinian television said Israeli troops attacked the city of Tulkarem and surrounded a house and a car in Aktaba, a suburb of the city, while clashing with Palestinian militants.

He added that Israeli troops shot and killed three young men, leaving them bleeding and arrested one wounded young man. After the withdrawal, ambulances reached them and took them to Tulkarm. Thabet Government Hospital in Thabet.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said in a brief statement that its staff transferred a young man (21 years old) who had been shot in the waist to the same hospital.

Israeli forces have stepped up attacks and incursions into villages and towns in the West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7 last year, coinciding with the devastating and ongoing war against the Gaza Strip, which as of Sunday had killed 22,835 people Deaths, 58,416 injuries, and extensive infrastructure damage. It is a devastating and unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to authorities, ministries and the United Nations.

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