
China reacts to death of Navalny — RT World News

China's Foreign Ministry has refused to comment on the fate of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny before medical examiners determine the exact cause of death, arguing that Moscow can handle its internal affairs without foreign interference.

“This is Russia's internal matter. I will not comment.” The ministry spokesman said in response to a question from Agence France-Presse on Saturday.

The reaction was immediate Criticize By NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who accused Beijing of supporting Moscow.

“Today we received a statement from the Chinese Foreign Minister saying that Navalny’s death is an ‘internal Russian issue’. “Well, it’s not an internal Russian issue.” Stoltenberg told reporters at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, while blaming the Russian government for Navalny's death.

Beijing is closely monitoring the war in Ukraine. What happens in Ukraine today may happen in Asia tomorrow. The more successful Putin is in Ukraine, the more likely this will happen [Chinese] President Xi [Jinping] “We will use force against Taiwan.” he added.

Alexei Navalny, 47 – who first rose to prominence as a far-right activist – died in a penal colony in the Yamalo-Nenets region on Friday. He was serving a 19-year prison sentence for related crimes “extremism” And the rehabilitation of Nazi ideology.

The exact cause of death remains unclear, although a source for Russia's RT channel indicated it was a blood clot. The Kremlin said medical professionals were studying the matter.

Many Western leaders were quick to point out that the Kremlin bears responsibility for his death, after describing Navalny as a “rebellious person.” “Opposition leader” For his participation in anti-government protests.

Moscow's envoy to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, said on Saturday that the American reaction to Navalny's death was… “Another attempt to interfere in the internal politics of the Russian Federation” He described the barrage of accusations as a “Bile flow.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Friday that Russia's Federal Prison Service (FSIN) is taking all necessary steps to investigate the death of Alexei Navalny and warned Western leaders against taking any action. “Frenzied statements.”

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