
Church of England leader urged to drop trans guidance for schools – The Telegraph — RT World News

The “dangerous ideology” contradicts Christian beliefs, according to a letter addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is facing calls to overturn Church of England guidance offering advice on how to deal with children who want to change their gender in the UK school system, according to a report by The Telegraph.

In 2014, the Church of England Education Office published for the first time its official guidance challenging anti-gay bullying. This policy, titled “Valuing All of God’s Children,” was partly intended to address “Homophobic, anti-gay, bisexual and transphobic bullying” In schools, she said, to ensure that children “Stay safe and can thrive” In an educational environment.

He adds that “Schools can make adjustments to meet the needs of trans students without being accused of discriminating against non-trans students.”
However, in a letter signed by Christian parents Nigel and Sally Rowe, Archbishop Welby was asked to withdraw the guidance because it promotes an ideology they argue children should not be exposed to.

“Valuing all of God’s children acknowledges an ideology that should have no place in elementary schools.” Royce said in the letter, according to the Telegraph on Sunday. She added that children need “Unambiguous rules based on facts.”

They continued in the letter that “the vast majority” Of parents seeking to educate their children at a Church of England school expecting adherence to Christian beliefs, they called for the urgent withdrawal of official guidance which they said gives a chance “A foot in the door to a dangerous ideology.”

The Rowe family also claimed that in 2017, a Church of England primary school told their six-year-old son that he would be “transphobic” if he did not identify with a young boy who wanted to change gender as a girl.

The family, with support from the Christian Legal Centre, a private UK-based evangelical advisory body, launched a legal challenge against British education chiefs after the government chose not to intervene in the case. In 2022, the UK government settled the case and said it would review transgender policies in schools.

In response to the letter issued by the Roe family, the Church of England said that “misleading pressure groups” had attempted to discredit the intentions of the advice to “Value All God’s Children”.

“Some pressure groups have misleadingly tried to portray it as guidance for schools to help them provide education to children who are questioning their gender.” A spokesperson told The Telegraph. “You did not and never proceeded to provide such guidance.”

The spokesman added that the church intends to do so “to update” policy later this year.

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