
Democrat leader warns US troops could enter Ukraine conflict — RT World News

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries said a military defeat for Kiev could force Washington to send soldiers into the country

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said the United States may have to deploy troops to Ukraine if Kiev suffers a complete collapse against Russia.

In an interview with CBS News released Sunday, the prominent Democratic lawmaker stressed the urgency of sending military aid to Ukraine, claiming that if those efforts fail, the United States will likely be forced to intervene directly in the conflict.

“We cannot allow Ukraine to fall because if it does, there is a strong possibility that America will be forced into the conflict — not just with our money, but with our soldiers and men.” Jeffries said.

But this position contradicts the long-term policy pursued by US President Joe Biden, who confirmed last month that it is “determined” Not sending American forces to Ukraine. He pointed out that Kiev has not yet requested direct military intervention from Washington, expressing his belief that it can prevail in the conflict with Russia if the United States succeeds in achieving that. “stands up[s] With Ukraine and its submission[s] The weapons she needs to defend herself.”

Meanwhile, Jeffries claimed that US efforts to support Ukraine, including pushing a new $61 billion aid package through Congress, had been thwarted by what he described as… “Pro-Putin faction” Within the Republican Party.

He singled out Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who called for the money to be used for domestic needs, rather than being sent to Ukraine. Green insisted on it “He has no sympathy for…Russia.” And it is “Loyalty only to one country: the United States of America.”

Jeffries' comments about possible US intervention come after French President Emmanuel Macron refused to rule out sending Western forces to Ukraine. Last week, he suggested that Western countries “It would be legitimate to ask [them]”Our selves” And whether they should deploy their armies in the besieged country “If the Russians manage to penetrate the front lines, [and] “If there was a Ukrainian request.” Macron also insisted on this speech “Strategic ambiguity” He can show strength and deter Russia.

In response, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov indicated on Sunday that the French leader was “The Caveman Who Breathes Russophobia” Hoping to use this feeling to become the de facto leader of the European Union.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned in late February that the deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine would lead to direct conflict between Russia and the US-led military bloc. “inevitable.”

Meanwhile, the Russian army has announced steady progress on the battlefield, seizing several settlements in Donbas in recent weeks.

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