
Displaced Opinions in Zionist Thought

It is clear that the plan is to make voluntary payments to the residents of Gaza! “Going to Sinai” is the main plan adopted by the brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip for more than a month and a half, which comes amid genocide and general destruction in the West Bank. Be prepared for the same fate.

The truth is that displacement was not the reaction to the “Aqsa Flood” crossing as some imagined, for in fact the crossing was a necessary message to the Zionist mind, which has ridiculed the Palestinian cause ever since all constants. The extremist Netanyahu government comes to power… It is a necessary message that the Palestinian people are still here, that they still reject occupation, humiliation and siege and insist on freedom and independence. He rejected the Judaization of Jerusalem and the threat to the Palestinians. Al-Aqsa Mosque, and repeated insults from settlers and soldiers. Nor will he accept the public detention and humiliation of prisoners, something that has been clear since Netanyahu and his lunatics – the most extreme government in history – came to power in Israel. ! !

This is because “forced displacement”, like “genocide”, is a pillar of Zionist thought and settler colonialism, and Zionist thought and settler colonialism are the true extension of Western settler colonialism. Although it successfully colonized the United States and Australia, it was defeated in a similar situation in Algeria, Angola, and South Africa, largely due to settler colonialism that established the Frankish Kingdom, which after nearly 80 years of colonization The same place fell.

This is why there are no wars of massacre and extermination, just as there are no exiles and displacements throughout the history of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, and this is how we must understand the ongoing barbaric aggression against Gaza. Beyond the “Aqsa Flood”, although it is a natural extension of the historical massacre of “Deir Yassin and Kaf Qassem” in 1948, the displacement of Gaza – which is advancing today – is a natural extension of Zionism An extension of the process of historical displacement enacted by occupation. The Zionist dream essentially depends on a purely Jewish state with no one to share it with.

read history

Readers of the history of Zionism will clearly find that acceptance of the displacement of the Palestinian population is one of the foundations and fundamentals of the Israeli occupation, which you can read in the words of the founder of modern political Zionism, “Theodor Herzl” ” is clearly reflected in its followers. He, for example: “Israel Linweir”, “Menachem Usishkin” and Abraham Sharon, as well as the first Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion, who devoted his entire political career to the expulsion of Palestine people, in addition to establishing displacement. In 1937, he told the Jewish Agency: “The starting point and the way out to solve the Arab problem in the Jewish state lies in signing an agreement with the Arab countries to pave the way for the solution of the Arab problem in the Jewish state. The expulsion of the Arabs Out of the Jewish state.”

The displacement that is advancing towards the Sinai is therefore not spontaneous or remote from Zionist thought, but is an inherent part of its formation and a cornerstone of the structure of the Zionist settler-colonial alternative project. It is considered a war crime or a crime against humanity under international law and, moreover, it represents a declaration of war against Egypt, which is something the Egyptian people must be prepared for – if Egyptian officials do not take action – because what is happening is happening somewhere To this extent, it appears that the plan is to take the form of voluntary resettlement, for which the Sinai Peninsula had been prepared several years ago. Years of logistical, legislative and safety preparation.

not by closing the intersection

It should be understood that in this extremely sensitive situation, confronting this plan is not about closing the border crossings or shooting at those fleeing the bombing hell. The Palestinian did not leave his homeland voluntarily – if he did at all – but because he lived under constant and brutal bombing and was cut off. After all aspects of construction and life in Gaza were destroyed, he lost all means of livelihood and was left in the open without any support or support. Instead, his crossing was cut off. Egypt’s sovereignty should be open to providing assistance to the besieged people, providing them with all means of survival and resistance. This is required by international law, in addition to issuing a warning to those who force Palestinians to cross the Egyptian border; because that is a form of declaration of war.

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