
Drug developed to prevent risk of blood vessel rupture Health

Russian scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences were able to develop a new pharmaceutical substance that can prevent the risk of rupture of blood vessels in the human body.

Researchers from the Novosibirsk Institute developed the material in collaboration with doctors from the Russian National Medical Research Center polymerization A new method can be used to repair blood vessel walls to prevent them from rupturing, which would reduce the risk of bleeding in the body as well as the risk of blood clots and strokes.

The production process of new polymer drug materials is expected to begin in 2025, and final versions of these drugs are currently being tested.

“We developed these drugs in collaboration with Russian doctors and surgeons… and they will be more effective in reducing blood vessel ruptures,” said study author Arkady Bryzgalov, a researcher at the Institute's Drug Research Laboratory.

Blood vessel rupture occurs when the walls of blood vessels become abnormally swollen or the bulges rupture, causing bleeding in the body and often death.

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