
Duhuaili: Israel has almost left northern Gaza and may leave southern Gaza within two weeks News


Military expert Major General Fayez Duwari said,… Qassam Brigade -The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation)- in the northern region Gaza Strip It confirmed that this part of the fighting was coming to an end and emphasized that if the resistance continued with the same performance, the fighting in the south would not last more than two weeks.

Qassam released photos of its fighters targeting Israeli tanks at very close range in the neighborhoods of Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj, as the resistance also waged heavy fighting in the central and southern Gaza Strip.

Al-Dawairy pointed out that the Israeli army has even begun to withdraw its troops from the Jabal al-Rais area (north of the Gaza Strip) where they have been fighting for several days, noting that this withdrawal is taking place within the framework of the transition to the third phase. Ground operations phase, usually involving a specific area or target.

Military experts reiterated that the fighting is currently concentrated in the city center, especially around Brighi, and that Israeli forces are seeking to penetrate deeper into the Mughlaqa, Zawaida and Magazi areas.

But Duwairi said the forces had received signals that Mughlaqa would be similar to Juhr Al-Dik Al-Assia in the north, prompting them to renew their attack on it.

Also in the south, Israeli forces still face violent resistance in Karara, Abasan and Bani Suhayla, working with extreme caution, knowing full well that there may be many times the number of tunnels in these areas. Al-Duwairi said there are tunnels in the north.

Occupation forces have announced that taking control of Khan Younis could require months of fighting given the difficulties faced by local forces.

Duvaly concluded that stopping the war for now depends on the United States declaring an end to its support for Israel, stressing that the fighting could cease within two weeks.

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