
ERCOT may start a power outage in Texas. Here’s how to prepare.

As of 6:45 p.m. Thursday, ERCOT was in the yellow zone, meaning no emergency circumstances had been ordered. If the network issues emergency conditions, there are three levels before a power outage is likely to occur.

In the first level of emergency, save is required. At level two, ERCOT advised creating a plan in the event of frequent power outages, which would only happen at level three. At the third level, the ERCOT website advises, “Health and safety should be prioritized through the use of city or county instructions and resources.”

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If a rolling blackout is ordered Thursday night, it will be the fifth blackout in ERCOT’s history. The most recent occurred during the February freeze in 2021, and before that on Groundhog Day in 2011.

What are rolling blackouts?

Power outages occur cascading because the power grid needs to conserve power when expected demand is greater than supply. They are working to maintain the entire utility system, because demand outweighs supply can be dangerous for the network, according to ERCOT.

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According to the ERCOT website, “periodic outages primarily affect residential neighborhoods and small businesses and are typically limited to 10 to 45 minutes before they are cycled to another location. Each carrier is responsible for determining how it will shed its own portion of the load on the system.” .

How to prepare?

In the event of a power outage in the summer, the plan might look different than it did in the winter, when the main priority is staying warm. In the summer, the main priority is to stay cool, amidst the sweltering heat.

It is recommended to unplug all devices if renewed power outages are required. When power returns, devices can be damaged by power surges in the lines.

Non-electric light sources are also important, such as battery-operated light bulbs with fresh batteries and candles with matches to light them. It may also be helpful to pre-charge your solar powered lanterns.

Popular Mechanics offers additional tips In order to survive the summer power outages.

After that, it’s important to stock up on the essentials, preferably non-perishable foods, which means they don’t need to be refrigerated. Also buy food that doesn’t need to be cooked – many homes and apartments have electric stoves, which won’t work during a power outage. Dry goods, canned goods, pre-made non-perishables, water and juice are good things to have on hand.

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It is advised not to open the refrigerator or freezer during a power outage, so that the food inside remains cold until the power is restored. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, items can last four hours in a refrigerator without electricity, 48 hours in a full freezer or 24 hours in a freezer half full. You can find more food safety advice on the CDC website..

Finally, it is important to create an evacuation plan that can provide cool temperatures, food, and water if needed, and if possible, monitor social media, email, and text messages for alerts from Irkut And local utility providers about the state of the power grid.

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