
EU state to introduce new ‘sovereignty’ law — RT World News

The measure could affect “journalists, civic organizations and political parties,” according to one Hungarian lawmaker

Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party is set to submit a bill to the country’s parliament establishing a special office to monitor activities that “Threatening the country’s sovereignty.

The new administration will be tasked with overseeing the flow of foreign funding to political parties, media outlets and public organizations believed to be targeted for influence or manipulation by hostile governments or financial interests, such as Hungarian-American billionaire and serial financier of liberal causes George. Soros.

Gergely Gulyas, director of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s office, declined to provide details about the new office’s terms of reference on Thursday, when he announced the imminent introduction of the bill, saying only that “It can investigate all kinds of activities… that would violate the country’s sovereignty.

When plans to create the new authority were announced in September, a Fidesz member suggested that the measure could apply to “Left-wing journalists and quasi-civil organizationsAnd political parties.

Orbán recently complained at a party meeting that foreign actors were manipulating the levers of Hungarian society through civil society groups and the media.Funded by Brussels or through the Soros network.

They have openly said that they want to change the government in HungaryHe said in a speech earlier this year, accusing his enemies of using “All means of political corruption to finance the Hungarian opposition.

Orban and other Fidesz lawmakers specifically accused the EU of interfering in the country’s political process by withholding 28 billion euros ($30 billion) in funds until it fulfills a laundry list of 27 judicial, media and economic reforms. While Brussels has long accused Hungary of failing to meet EU standards regarding the rule of law, Budapest has said such accusations are politically motivated.

Hungary previously passed legislation in 2017 targeting NGOs receiving foreign funding, a law that the European Court of Justice condemned for allegedly introducing “Discriminatory and unjustified restrictions“On fundamental rights.

Likewise, critics, such as the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, have argued that current legislation aims to “Limiting participation in public life and the work of the free press.Noting that political parties are already justifiably prohibited from accepting foreign funding, the group’s strategy director Stefania Capronzai told the Guardian that the new authority would likely reinforce the government’s narrative that any foreign funding conflicts with Budapest’s interests.

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