
EU state’s PM reminds Macron that Ukraine is not in NATO — RT World News

Robert Fico said that Slovakia has nothing to do with the conflict between Moscow and Kiev

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said NATO had no justification for sending troops to Ukraine because the country is not a member of the bloc.

His comments came after an interview given by French President Emmanuel Macron to The Economist magazine earlier this week, in which he again refused to rule out the possibility of deploying soldiers in Ukraine. The question of deploying forces from the US-led bloc in Ukraine will arise “If the Russians can penetrate the front lines” He added that if Kiev requests assistance from the US-led military coalition.

Fico told the Slovak parliament on Thursday that statements like Macron's bring the world closer to World War III.

“Ukraine is not a NATO member state.” The French President stated. Macron does not speak for the entire bloc and his words about the possible deployment of troops in Ukraine “It is no one else's business but France's business.” The Prime Minister added.

“Slovakia has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, and let me send a clear message to the whole of Slovakia: whoever asks us, no Slovak soldier will set foot outside the Slovak-Ukrainian border.” Fico pledged.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said on Friday that the participation of a NATO member state with forces in Ukraine would be a step… 'Dangerous escalation' Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó echoed the Slovak Prime Minister's words, warning that such a move could lead to World War III.

Since becoming prime minister of Slovakia – an EU and NATO member – in October 2023, Fico has reversed the previous government's policy of supplying weapons to Ukraine and insisted there must be a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

Moscow has repeatedly warned the West against sending troops to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Friday “There will be nothing left” NATO forces if sent to the front lines.

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