
Europe is ‘paradise’ – EU state’s leader — RT World News

Irish Prime Minister Varadkar has urged citizens not to link migrants with crime after three children were stabbed in Dublin

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar described Europe as… “heaven” And his homeland as well “One of the best parts of heaven” He urged citizens not to link immigration with crime during a speech in Parliament on Tuesday.

The Prime Minister’s comment came as Ireland was still reeling from the anti-immigrant riots that swept through Dublin on Thursday night, after a man of Algerian origin stabbed three young children and their carer before bystanders were able to subdue him.

because “Europe is heaven and Ireland is one of the best parts of heaven. Thousands will come here and we just have to manage that as best we can.” And that was the case, Varadkar said, insisting that migrants were no more likely to commit crimes than anyone else “Totally wrong” To think another way.

“In a country of 5.3 million people, if there were hundreds of thousands of immigrants, there would be a few of them committing terrible crimes, just as there are people born and raised in Ireland committing terrible crimes every day, including murder,” The Prime Minister said.

He admitted that the accused in the stabbing case is A “An immigrant, even though he is a citizen and someone who has lived here for more than 20 years.” Varadkar stressed that the parents of the five-year-old boy who was placed in hospital by the attacker were also migrants, as was the Brazilian delivery worker who restrained the attacker with his helmet to protect the child and three others who intervened to stop the attack. attacks.

He added: “It is completely wrong to try to prove a link between crime and immigration based on what happened on Parnell Street.” The Irish leader said, referring to the location of the school where the stabbing incident occurred. The attacker’s motives remain unknown.

A number of officers were injured in Thursday’s riots, while at least two buses, a tram and several police vehicles were burned. Dozens of rioters were arrested.

Irish authorities have responded to the worst unrest in Dublin in decades by pledging to strengthen hate speech laws and beef up surveillance. Justice Minister Helen McEntee described the police response as… “excellent,” While Police Commissioner Drew Harris condemned the rioters “A completely crazy riotous faction driven by far-right ideology.”

While he acknowledged the existence of ‘Real concern’ Regarding the country’s porous borders, Varadkar told lawmakers on Tuesday that the number of migrants seeking asylum in Ireland had fallen from the record high reached last year thanks to his efforts. The country is struggling to absorb unprecedented migration, with 141,000 people arriving between April 2022 and April 2023 alone, according to the Central Statistics Office.

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