
Europe must ‘open debate’ on its own nuclear force – Macron — RT World News

The French President had previously called for showing that the European Union is not “subservient” to the United States

French President Emmanuel Macron said that France should open a discussion on building a European defense capacity, including rethinking its nuclear capabilities.

Speaking to a group of young people at the European School in Strasbourg on Friday, Macron stressed that although France is already protected by NATO, it is… “Now we must go further.” To ensure its security and “Building a reliable European defense.”

He pointed to ensuring that security “It may mean deploying anti-missile shields.” To be able to deter the use of nuclear weapons. He added: “Credibility also means having long-range missiles that would deter the Russians.” he added.

Several Western leaders have insisted on bolstering defense capabilities amid the Ukrainian conflict, citing fears that Russia could attack NATO within a few years.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin denied such speculation “Nonsense,” Pointing to the fact that the United States, NATO's largest contributor, spends ten times more on defense than Moscow. He also stated that current geopolitical tensions are largely due to NATO's decision to ignore Russian security interests.

In explaining his position on nuclear weapons, Macron went on to say that while France would not use its arsenal unless its vital interests were threatened, those interests also had a European dimension. He added that this means that French nuclear doctrine must contribute to the credibility of the continent's defense.

He added: “I support opening this discussion, which must therefore include anti-missile defense, long-range launches, and nuclear weapons for those who possess them or who have American nuclear weapons on their soil.” The President stated.

For several years, Macron has also called for the creation of an organization “Right, European Army.” To be able to independently strengthen continental security. He also warned about this this month “Europe today is mortal and may die.” While calling for A “strategic independence” For Europe, especially with regard to military production. Region “You must prove that it never belonged to the United States.” He said.

However, the idea of ​​creating a joint EU army has met with strong opposition in both Brussels and the EU capitals. The EU's chief diplomat Josep Borrell suggested last month that while the bloc should aspire to boost the military capabilities of its members, this does not mean it must create a common army.

Likewise, several EU countries, including Denmark and Poland, have indicated their desire to ensure their security within the current NATO framework.

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