
French leader proposes expansion of euthanasia laws — RT World News

President Emmanuel Macron said terminally ill patients would be allowed to request “assisted dying.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has pledged to expand existing euthanasia laws to allow more patients to request medically assisted death. He added that a draft law in this regard will be submitted to Parliament by the summer.

In an interview with La Croix and Liberation newspapers published on Sunday, the French President insisted on naming this method “Assisted dying” Under the pretext that it is necessary “Because there are situations that you cannot accept humanely.” The bill will help “Reconciling the independence of the individual with the solidarity of the nation” Macron added.

France legalized passive euthanasia in 2005, allowing chronically ill patients to be removed from life support. However, active euthanasia, which involves injecting a patient with a lethal dose of medication, remains illegal.

The new bill will open the way for “Seeking assistance in dying under certain strict conditions.” The president said. Patients will be allowed to administer “deadly substance” By themselves or with the help of a medical professional, Macron said. The option will be reserved for people “He suffers from incurable diseases” Those who are able to make their own decisions, and this excludes patients who suffer from psychological disorders, as well as those with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

According to La Croix newspaper, Macron promised to present a draft law on the right to do so “Death with dignity” During his 2022 presidential campaign. The newspaper reported that according to oncologists, only a small percentage of patients request the end-of-life procedure.

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