
Germany arrests citizens on suspicion of spying for China — RT World News

Berlin has arrested three German citizens on suspicion of spying for China, the prosecutor's office announced He said on monday. The authorities claim to have evidence that the accused transferred German technologies to Beijing in violation of the Foreign Trade Law.

The Federal Court of Justice – Germany's highest judicial body – issued arrest warrants for the three individuals identified only as Thomas R., Herwig F., and Inna F. Last Wednesday. The defendants' residences and workplaces were also searched as part of the ongoing investigation.

According to the German authorities, the accused are: “Strongly suspected” To work for the Chinese intelligence service, sometime before June 2022.

It is alleged that Thomas R. He worked as an agent for an employee of the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), seeking information about innovative German technologies that could have potential military use. Investigators alleged that he made contact with a married couple, Herwig F. and Inna F., who ran a company in Düsseldorf, acting as a point of contact with people from the German R&D industry.

The couple allegedly worked at a German university “Preparing a study for the Chinese contractual partner” On the latest machinery parts used in advanced ship engines such as combat ships. “Behind the Chinese contracting partner was the MSS employee from whom Thomas R. received his orders,” The prosecutor's office wrote on Monday, claiming they traced the funding to the Chinese state.

The suspects were further negotiating research projects at the time of their arrest, according to authorities. In addition, they allegedly purchased and transferred a laser device from Germany to China, in violation of EU regulations on dual-use technologies.

Beijing has strongly rejected allegations of espionage activities in Germany. He added, “We call on the German side to stop exploiting spying allegations in order to manipulate China's image politically and discredit China.” Chinese Embassy in Germany Tell Xinhua.

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