
Germany to ban smoking weed in train stations — RT World News

Bild newspaper reported that cannabis will be banned even in areas designated for lighting

People who smoke cannabis at German railway stations could be banned from entering the premises from June 1, national rail company Deutsche Bahn (DB) told Bild newspaper on Saturday. The move comes after the country legalized the use of recreational marijuana, including in some public places.

A DB spokeswoman told Bild newspaper that the decision aims to ensure public well-being and the protection of minors. “We want to protect our passengers, especially children and young people.” She added that the current law also prohibits smoking cannabis in pedestrian areas and near schools or playgrounds during the day.

Under a law passed in February, adults in Germany are allowed to possess up to 50 grams (1.7 ounces) of marijuana in private homes. In public places, the maximum limit is 25 grams. Public consumption of marijuana is generally permitted except in areas near schools, playgrounds, and sports facilities. Minors caught using cannabis will have to undergo a drug abuse prevention program under current rules.

A company spokeswoman told the newspaper that DB security staff will begin informing passengers next week about the upcoming ban. The company also plans to inform people through posters at each station warning that violating the new rules could result in penalties, including being banned from the property.

Sanctions will apply from June 1. Until then, staff will urge travelers to refrain from consuming cannabis with… “Friendly requests and advice” The spokeswoman said. Only medical consumption of marijuana will be permitted.

Smoking, including vaping, is also not permitted at the stations. Only about 400 railway stations out of a total of 5,400 are equipped with special smoking areas. Marijuana consumption will be banned there as well, the newspaper reported. About 20 million people use DB train stations every day, according to Bild.

The government promoted the legalization of marijuana as a blow to the illegal drug trade. The intention was to create “An alternative to the black market” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said in February. The law went into effect on April 1.

The legalization of recreational drugs in Germany has faced backlash from some medical professionals. “In our view the law as written is a disaster.” Katja Seidel, a therapist at the Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Drug Addiction, told AFP in April.

Professor Ray Whalley of the Standing Committee of European Doctors also warned last year of this “Evidence shows that cannabis is an addictive drug with many risks.” In April, he said that changes in Germany would happen “Increased use and health-related harms, especially among young people.”

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