
Germany urges more ‘Patriots’ for Ukraine — RT World News

Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on other NATO members to contribute air defenses in Kiev

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Thursday in Brussels that NATO members must find more US-made Patriot air defense systems for Ukraine. Berlin promised to deliver one of these systems in the near future, in addition to the two systems it has already sent to Kiev.

Schultz said he sought to promote the idea during that period “Many discussions” At the European Union summit held on Wednesday and Thursday.

“We heard that there are supposed to be seven more now, one of them ours, and then hopefully six more will be found.” The German Chancellor said that other members of NATO.

Berlin has achieved so far “Greatest contribution” When it comes to providing Ukraine with Patriot systems, Schultz claimed, adding that he has invited others to do so “Make the same decisions.” The United States, Germany and the Netherlands have sent several Patriot bombers to Ukraine to support its conflict with Russia.

The exact number of air defense systems that Ukraine has is still unclear. According to Business Insider, Kiev may have between three and five Patriot missiles. The Russian Defense Ministry provided evidence that many launchers and radars had already been destroyed.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has taken a tougher tone toward countries reluctant to inspect their stockpiles of missiles for delivery to Kiev.

“We know that many countries are sitting on large piles of Patriot systems, and may not want to hand them over directly.” He said Thursday, without mentioning any names. He offered to purchase such systems from any third country and send them to Ukraine.

“We have the funds available. It is critical.” Rottie added.

Germany, the Netherlands and Spain are the few European NATO member states that still have Patriot systems in their arsenals, according to Der Spiegel. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock admitted that Berlin's stockpiles exist “Pretty stressful” He added that when it comes to US-made air defense systems, the West will have to scour the world if it wants to get more of them for Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday that the US-led bloc is working to send more air defense systems to Kiev, including in particular Patriot missiles.

“We have compiled data on the different air defense systems we have in NATO, with a focus on the Patriot systems. We are working with allies to ensure that some of their systems are redeployed to Ukraine. Stoltenberg said during the G7 foreign ministers meeting in Italy.

Earlier this month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said he needed 25 Patriot systems, with between six and eight batteries each, to ensure adequate air defense nationwide.

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