
Hebrew media: News that the wartime government implicated the Gaza army to achieve special political goals

Analysts and former Israeli officials criticized the wartime government, saying it was responsible for the military's involvement in the incident. Gaza Strip A family member of one of the prisoners stated that a systematic campaign of incitement was being carried out against them in order to achieve specific political goals.

Eran Etzion, former deputy chairman of the National Security Council, said Israel is strategically involved in Gaza with no way out, stressing that the current government “is not qualified to lead the army or lead the country to bring it closer to Israel.” victory. “

Etzion added: “With all due respect to the tactics and practical successes, it was clear from the outset that the government and its president (Benjamin Netanyahu“They had personal reasons for not setting strategic political goals, and that's something that has hurt us from day one of the war and brought us to a certain stage.”

I've never seen anything like this

In this context, the former Security Minister stated: Avigdor Lieberman “Wartime governments talk about unity, and what we've seen over the past few days is a fierce exchange of fire between Netanyahu and…Yoav Galante (Secretary of Defense) WBenny Ganz (Member of the War Council). “

Lieberman added, “I was a member of the small committee a few years ago, but I have never seen anything like this happen, and we have to find a way to change the situation in the north (on the Lebanese border).”

As for Rabbi Aryeh, the leader of For Jewish Identity, he said members of the administration are “busy campaigning at this time,” adding that they are “reaching out to community and media leaders to refocus Revitalize Jewish faith.” There is controversy within Israeli society because they see what is holding us back is “What is going to solve the problem?”

He added, “They need former military leaders to tell them, 'Let's end this war.'”

Finally, Danny Elgart, the brother of one of the prisoners, said there was a campaign of incitement against the families of the prisoners, accusing them of guilt. “When I was in jail, one of them yelled at me,” he added. “On the streets: let them bomb 140 kidnapped people and end this problem.” “

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