
Human rights groups: Creating a “new Guantánamo” for detainees in occupied Gaza | News

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor has called on the international community to conduct an impartial investigation into the clearance operations carried out by Israeli occupying forces following the arrests of Palestinian civilians across the country. Gaza Strip.

The Observatory said the testimonies it collected were consistent with revelations by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz about the crime of carrying out on-site executions of detainees while others were detained in a military camp known as the “Barracks” Died as a result of severe torture and ill-treatment. “Sde Teman”, located between two cities. beersheba And the Gaza Strip.

Observatory describes Israeli detention camps as “Guantanamo“A new detainee, the detainees were held in very poor conditions, in an open air area similar to a chicken coop, and without food or drink for long periods of time.

Detainees in the above-mentioned camps range in age from minors to the elderly and are interrogated in pens while blindfolded and with their hands bound.

According to testimony, lights would be turned on at night and shined on them in order to tire them out and torture them.

torture and murder

In testimonies collected by the Observatory, former detainees said they were subjected to multiple forms of torture and ill-treatment, were denied access to telephones and were denied access to or meetings with lawyers. International Committee of the Red Cross.

They confirmed the existence of elderly detainees who suffered severe beatings and humiliating treatment. In addition, detainees had their hands and feet cuffed during transfers, were shackled and blindfolded while in detention, and were deprived of water and food, while any attempts to Anyone who asked was met with violence and insults.

One released detainee, who asked that his name not be used for fear of reprisals, said he witnessed Israeli soldiers directly shooting five detainees in separate cases.

Israel's “Haaretz” reported that some prisoners died in the detention camp due to poor detention conditions, but did not mention the specific number.

The newspaper said the condition of one of the detainees required medical attention, saying he was working as a driver in the Gaza Strip and was not given the necessary medical attention, leading to his death.

“Haaretz” pointed out that the Israeli army only brought 71 of the more than 500 detainees to Israeli courts, and some of them were transferred to prisons affiliated with the Israel Prison Service or to interrogation centers of the Israeli Internal Security Agency.Shin Bet).

On November 3, the Observatory recorded the death of Mansoor Naban Mohammed Varsh after 24 days in detention, finding that his body was covered in bruises and handcuff marks, leading to his death from a heart attack.

On the 7th of the same month, there are also documents recording that Majid Ahmed Zaqul (32 years old) was detained in Ofer Prison, Israel, and died after being severely tortured.

Palestinian detainees in Gaza - Source: Israeli Defense Ministry
Observatory: Occupation forces some detained civilians to carry weapons so they can be photographed (Israeli Defense Ministry)


The Euromed Observatory said it could not confirm the arrests of Palestinian militants, either because the occupying forces did not publish the identities of the detainees, because they were not captured, or because people were reluctant to report such cases.

He explained that 1,200 Palestinian civilians were arrested following attacks on homes and schools in the Gaza Strip that were converted into refuge centers for thousands of displaced people.

According to reports from the Observatory, the occupying forces stripped detainees naked, handcuffed them, forced them to kneel in open areas, and subjected them to various forms of beatings, harassment, and deprivation of their basic needs.

Human rights reports confirm that released detainees said the occupying forces forced some detainees to carry weapons in order to photograph them and justify the arrests and the torture, beatings and ill-treatment they included.

He noted that random arrests launched by the Israeli army targeted doctors, nurses and journalists, as well as dozens of women, including Hadeel Youssef Issa Al-Dahdouh, She appeared in a photo in which she was seen sitting in a truck with others. A group of naked men appear in an inhumane scene.

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