
International Union of Muslim Scholars calls for Palestinian solidarity message

Doha– The 6th General Assembly session opened under the motto “We build our religion, advance our nation and support our sanctity”. international union of muslim scholars exist Doha The event, which runs from January 6 to January 11, calls for concerted efforts to support Gaza in response to more than 90 days of “brutal” aggression against Gaza.

The congress (general meeting), attended by hundreds of Muslim scholars and thinkers from around the world, was convened in light of developments in the situation in Palestine and the continuation of the war in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well as the repercussions taking place in the region at the regional and international levels.The meeting was also the first of its kind held since the death of the late scholar, founder of the Alliance Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi.

The alliance was established in 2004 at the initiative of Qaradawi, with the participation of a large number of Muslim scholars from different countries, sects and countries. The Alliance sets out a set of operational objectives and foundations, open to all. Muslim scholars from both East and West, graduate scholars concerned with Islamic law schools and Islamic departments, and all those interested in Sharia science and Islamic culture.

The importance of the new session of the Alliance lies in the fact that it comes after the Arab and Islamic world witnessed developments last year such as the conflict in Sudan and the problems in Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon, although the most important developments were the battle for the Al-Aqsa floods, The Gaza war and the Palestinian issue have returned to the forefront of the Arab and Islamic world.

Participants agreed on the importance of unity and unity in support of the Palestinian cause and in confronting the problems of Islamic countries, starting with Yemen, Sudan and the Levant.

2-Karadaji: The current situation requires everyone to join hands to support Muslims (Al Jazeera)
Karadaj: The current situation requires everyone to join hands to support Muslims (Al Jazeera)

Support the Palestinian cause

At the opening of the meeting, participants stressed the need to unite and work to support their firm position in view of the brutal aggression suffered by the Palestinian people for more than three months, explaining that the Islamic world has the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder against injustice and aggression. Palestinian cause.

President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars said Habib Salem Saqqaf Jifri This meeting comes at a time when our Islamic country is going through difficult circumstances, which are facing serious challenges, not the least of which is the situation in the Gaza Strip and the suffering of our Palestinian brothers, who are deprived of all the necessities of life and daily necessities. They live in dire humanitarian conditions, so solidarity and all forms of support must be provided to support them. A Muslim is like another Muslim's building.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, he reiterated his opposition to plans to drive Palestinians from their land, which are being carried out under the cover and support of the world's major powers, and which require Muslims to unite and work together. to thwart these plans.

He pointed out that this meeting was the first such meeting after the death of the alliance's founder Qaradawi, which made it necessary for everyone to follow the path when the alliance was established. Its goal is to unite and support Muslims in the face of injustice and aggression, explaining that all Islamic peoples “stand with our Palestinian brothers and are ready to make the most precious sacrifices in order to achieve peace.” Help them escape from a brutal occupation. “

Abdul Razak Qassum The plight of Palestinians receives absolute attention from the International Union of Muslim Scholars (Al Jazeera)
Abdul Razak Qassum: The current Arab and Islamic situation requires everyone to unite and work together to overcome the difficulties (Al Jazeera)

Palestine returns to the forefront

Abdel Razak Qassum, former president of the Algerian Scholars Association and a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, said that the current situation in the Gaza Strip requires everyone to unite and support this issue. Arabs and Muslims Questions, after… As the first issue of Arabs and Muslims Questions, it is back in the spotlight in a big way. al aqsa floods October 7 and the subsequent brutal aggression against the Palestinian people.

Qassum presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting. He added that the current Arab and Islamic situation requires everyone to unite and join hands to overcome difficulties and support the Palestinian people in their predicament. This is an absolute priority for all members of Arab and Islamic countries. . International Union of Muslim Scholars. Or even all countries, because this is first and foremost a humanitarian issue.

Issam al-Bashir: Today, Islamic countries are experiencing a turning point in the fate of Palestine (Al Jazeera)
Issam al-Bashir: Today, Islamic countries are experiencing a turning point in the fate of Palestine (Al Jazeera)

intermittent phase

Issam Bashir, Vice Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, said that today our Islamic country is experiencing a turning point in the destiny of Palestine, and we need all of us to join hands and unite, emphasizing that only through faith, work, and serving the Palestinian people Providing relief and support against brutal occupation.

In his speech at the conference, he added: “From October 7 last year to the present day, God’s signs and wisdom have been manifested in the heroic resistance and the martyrs’ smiles to greet their Lord, their unafraid smiles and their unswerving attitude Come out.” The unarmed people patiently carried the remains of their loved ones, satisfied with God's will and confident in His victory. “May peace come to Gaza above ground, may peace come to Gaza underground, may peace come to Gaza on Display Day.”

He also highlighted the crisis in Sudan, the competition between the parties and the crisis in Yemen and the Levant, “which require all Muslims to unite and support their cause in the face of the demands of other countries.”

Ali Muhyiddin Karadaj, Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, once again called for “solidarity in support of the Palestinian cause during this difficult period that the Palestinian people are going through, which requires everyone to join hands to support Palestine and Muslims around the world in coping with Situations requiring support and relief.”

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