
Iran unveils attack drone capable of striking Israel | military news

The new version of the Muhajir missile, which carries a larger warhead, was unveiled a day after the Israeli prime minister blamed Iran for the latest attacks.

Tehran, Iran – Iran has unveiled a new drone that it says is capable of striking targets in Israel.

Today, Tuesday, the Ministry of Defense and Logistics of the Iranian Armed Forces unveiled the Mohajer-10 missile, as part of an exhibition and celebrations marking Defense Industry Day.

The ceremony was attended by His Excellency President Ebrahim Raisi and senior commanders in the Army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The attack drone, which resembles the US-made MQ-9 Reaper, has also been shown in videos taking off from an unidentified airstrip and flying. It is said to be capable of carrying a variety of bombs, anti-radar equipment and surveillance.

According to state-linked media, the latest version of the Al-Muhajir missile, which was first developed during the eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s, can carry a warhead weighing 300 kilograms and fly at a maximum speed of 210 kilometers per hour. 130 mph) and holds 450 liters (120 gal) of fuel.

Media reports said the drone can fly non-stop at an altitude of 7,000 meters (4,350 feet) for a distance of up to 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles), which means it can reach Israel.

On Tuesday, Iranian media published a poster of the “Muhajir 10” plane, showing it flying in the clouds overlooking the Dimona nuclear facilities in Israel, with the phrase “Be prepared to travel to the stone age” written above it in Persian and Hebrew.

Standing in front of an assortment of large missiles and flanked by military leaders, Raisi announced during the ceremony Tuesday that two previously unveiled long-range ballistic missiles are now ready for delivery to the IRGC.

These include the Hajj Qassem, named after General Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated by the United States in Iraq in January 2020, reportedly using MQ-9 Reaper aircraft, and Khorramshahr, named after the city that shaped its recapture in 1982. A turning point in preventing crises. of the Iraqi invasion of Iran.

Raisi told state television that Iran’s military advances have dramatically changed the way Tehran is viewed in the region and around the world.

“Yesterday, they looked at us as a consumer and a country in need. Today, they see us as a product that can say a lot in the defense and military industries.”

Speaking to a group of Defense Ministry officials and scholars, he said that Iran continues to seek friendly relations with all countries but will not hesitate to “cut off any hand” that wishes to invade Iran.

Western powers continue to accuse Tehran of supplying unmanned aerial vehicles to Russia – including an earlier version of the “Muhajir” – for use in Ukraine. Iran insists it provided Moscow with the drones months before the war and has called for dialogue to stop the fighting.

The disclosure of these weapons comes a day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Iran for financing and encouraging the shooting attack on Israelis in Hebron in the occupied West, along with other recent attacks against Israelis. On Monday, Israel also launched an air strike in Syria targeting Iranian interests.

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