
Is “Robot Literature” considered true creativity, or does the algorithm write out repetitive patterns? | Culture

The emergence of easy-to-use, widely available AI tools has created a new type of “robotics literature.” Amazon currently offers more than 200 books written by robots with GBT as author or co-author, and that number is growing every year.

The reasons why many “writers” and even ordinary people adopt this style of writing vary, but we have to remember that the writing process is a tedious, tiring, tiring process that requires a lot of time, energy, and creative imagination, no matter what , which discourages many people who dream of writing a poem, a story, or a book. He’s just his type.

These tools provide a real opportunity for “semi-writers” and some amateurs to make their own books and be credited as authors, regardless of their contribution to the writing and creativity of those books.

Artificial intelligence replaces talent

Among them is Brett Sheckler, a salesman in the Rochester area of ​​New York City. He loves literature and has always dreamed of writing a book and signing his name as a writer, but his talent, ability and We have no language or creative abilities to help him do this.

Schickler used the GBT chat program to create a 30-page e-book for children in just a few hours. The book is currently priced at $2.99 ​​on Amazon’s bookstore and $9.99 on the Kindle platform. This book is designed to teach children how to save money and save money, and the main character of the story is “Sammy the Squirrel” who collects walnuts and invests them.

Schickler commented, “The idea of ​​writing a book finally seemed feasible. I thought I could do it.”

Schickler doesn’t list GPT Chat as an author on the front or back cover, and the product page doesn’t mention the program’s name or the platform he used to create the illustrations. Instead, he simply gave his name as the book’s author.

In fact, Amazon’s current policy does not require authors to disclose this, since the e-commerce giant controls about 80% of the global e-book market, which means that a large number of readers may unknowingly find themselves reading computer-generated e-books. s work. Or, according to PSC Mag magazine, they discussed the book in a book club group but knew nothing about the book’s real author.

Many questions have arisen, perhaps the most important of which is: the degree of originality of the books he wrote AIDoes artificial intelligence writing represent true creativity, or is it just an algorithm replicating repeated patterns?

the meaning of creativity

Before exploring the role of artificial intelligence in the creative process of writing, we must first define what we mean by creativity.

Creativity is a complex and multifaceted concept that includes the creation of new, valuable ideas and the formation of new products or solutions. This means originality, flexibility, creative imagination and the ability to think beyond traditional patterns and invent something new. Surprise sparks inspiration and makes the recipient see the world in a new way than they were used to before. In the field of writing, creativity involves arranging words, ideas, and emotions in unique ways to create an original and unprecedented work, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

For example, let’s look at this poetic sentence from Mahmoud Darwish:

“Those who besiege you have nowhere to escape…”
Hit the enemy and there is no way to escape
Your arm dropped and he picked it up
I fell next to you, he picked me up
Fight your enemies with me
“You are…free now.”

For example, people who think about the phrase “siege yourself” directly experience originality in poetry, so how can you besiege yourself? This requires you, as a reader, to use a little imagination and understand how to siege the siege around you.

This sentence also has flexibility and creative imagination that a regular person like “Seller” Sheckler or a “GPT Chat” program would have a hard time coming up with, and in order for it to give you a close result you have to provide the program with the meaning of the siege , providing it with examples of sieges, and providing it with data. Take a minute to understand how a siege happens, how to get out of it, and then you have to see the results.

The author of these lines actually tried to add to the program all the information he had discovered about the “siege” and what he already had, and then asked him to write a poetic stanza about breaking the siege, and this turned out to be:

“Every day is a turning point in the battle
Resilience comes from the root of determination.
Holding hands, brotherly love,
Countries unite to unequivocally lift the siege.

History writes a story on the wall of time
The story of a nation rising with determination and passion
He breaks restrictions and weaves freedom
The sound rose like waves in a clear sea. “

Readers can simply recognize the difference between the original poetic text and the algorithm’s attempt to write something resembling poetry.

Algorithms and originality

AI writing relies on algorithms that process large amounts of data to learn the patterns and structures found in human-generated text. These algorithms are often based on neural networks, enabling the model to generate text that closely resembles the style and structure found in the text. According to reports from the “AI Contentfi” platform, they were fed training data.

Critics argue that the process simply replicates existing patterns—and rightly so—making AI writing seem unimaginative. I think the conclusion of the last example is clear: AI systems lack creativity and originality and clearly have difficulty creating truly unique and creative content.

Sure, these systems are capable of analyzing large amounts of data fed to them and can generate coherent sentences, but they lack the imagination that humans have to think outside the box and create something entirely new. Innovation, like the phrase “Besiege Yourself.”

The writing produced by these programs also lacks the emotional intelligence to effectively understand and express feelings, interpret human emotions, and the complex cultural nuances that influence our writing, resulting in superficial content that lacks emotion, or the ability to truly empathize, or understand how different people feel. and differentiate and integrate them into written content.

Additionally, AI models struggle to understand social norms, complex cultural and historical context, and the nuances behind human communication and socialization, making it difficult for AI to produce culturally sensitive and context-aware content.

Ability to create unique ideas and images

Human writers have the ability to generate new and innovative ideas that may be difficult for artificial intelligence to process or interpret. For example, let us consider Al-Mutanabbi’s statement:

Allow me, I say: this morning is night. Is the world turning a blind eye to the light?

How can an AI understand that morning is night when all the data and information it feeds explains the subtle differences between night and morning?

The ability of humans to invent new meanings distinguishes their works from the general content produced by artificial intelligence, in addition to understanding the emotional and psychological context that makes mornings and evenings significant in the poet’s thoughts and ideas.

Another important point is that human creativity uses language as an art form by using metaphor, metonymy and poetic language to evoke emotions and create vivid images in the mind of the reader. This sense of artistry is the product of human imagination and cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can write poems like this:

A deception, an escape, a closeness, a plot together… like a boulder torn apart by the torrent above.

This ability to simile, metaphor, and create unique poetic imagery is so characteristic of human creativity that it is difficult to imitate, let alone create.

Collaboration Mode… How can writers benefit from the power of artificial intelligence?

The question of whether AI writing represents true creativity or is simply an algorithm replicating pre-existing writing patterns is complex and multifaceted. The tension lies in the balance between an algorithm’s ability to repeat input patterns, its immense ability to analyze data and gather information at breakneck speed, and the potential of this intelligence to promote actual creativity.

As we can see, actual creativity is a completely different process from repeating patterns and analyzing data. Here comes another model, the collaborative model, where writers can benefit from the immense potential that artificial intelligence has in the writing process. Benefit from its ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data in record time through its Digital Commons platform, which is affiliated with Lindenwood University.

Below we’ve listed the many ways artificial intelligence can help writers in their work, the most prominent of which are:

Provide information and data very quickly

Writers usually spend a lot of time looking for information and data for creative projects, which involves reading a lot of books, spending long hours in public libraries or searching online, but that is not the case now. Artificial Intelligence Writing works by analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns. Authors can get exactly the information and data they need quickly and efficiently.

Language error

AI writing programs excel at detecting and correcting errors related to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. These programs use advanced algorithms to automatically identify common typing errors and suggest corrections.

Through machine learning, AI writing programs continuously improve the accuracy of correcting language and grammar by analyzing large amounts of text data.

AI-driven language and grammar correction tools also provide real-time suggestions to help authors improve content and avoid common language errors quickly and efficiently, saving time and energy previously spent on manual proofreading, allowing authors to focus on developing their ideas and content. Overall writing style.

Plot development and characterization

Artificial intelligence can play an important role in plot development, by analyzing stories and events in novels, identifying their main elements and paths, and helping writers and novelists solve problems encountered in the development and progression of events in novels. development, and then provides novelists with guidance on the pace of their work. Plot twists and character development.

The AI ​​assistant can also assist with character creation by making recommendations for developing compelling, multi-dimensional characters based on analysis of existing characters and prototypes. These tools can suggest traits, backstories, and motivations. AI also helps maintain consistency in character behavior. According to the “Genie AI” platform, the dialogue runs through various events in the novel.

Improve efficiency

Many writers unknowingly reuse certain words and spend a lot of time and energy looking for alternatives to other words that have been used before. Here, the artificial intelligence writing assistant will soon provide alternative word options to help writers. Find…the perfect words to express your thoughts accurately and clearly. This feature is especially useful when looking for the right words to convey the precise meaning.

AI also enables writers to quickly identify and correct errors and provides valuable insights into sentence structure and readability, allowing writers to enhance the clarity and coherence of their language, allowing them to focus on expressing their ideas effectively and fluently. , rather than being preoccupied. and writing skills.

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