
Israel Channel: Netanyahu dissatisfied with Qatar's performance in talks to release detainees news

Israel Channel 13 stated that Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed dissatisfaction with the progress of the agreement to release Israeli detainees. Gaza Stripand performance Qatar in this regard.

The channel added that Netanyahu had highlighted his anger towards Qatar in recent discussions, saying more pressure must be put on Doha.

She confirmed that Netanyahu asked the Israeli negotiating team to verify the progress of the Egyptian mediation axis regarding the “hostage” file.

Netanyahu expressed his stance after the assassination, the channel reported Saleh Aluri Vice Chairman of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitationBefore the Prime Minister receives the Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani Delegation of detainees’ families.

Family members of Israeli hostages held by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip protest outside the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv on November 21, 2023, amid ongoing fighting between Israel and Palestinian armed groups. - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet on November 21 that it was important to accept an agreement to release hostages taken in the October 7 Hamas attack. "It's a tough decision, but it's the right one".  (Photo by Ahmed Gharabri/AFP)
Families of Israelis detained during protests in Gaza protest outside Tel Aviv Defense Ministry (French)

positive encounter

Earlier, Israeli radio quoted family members of Gaza prisoners who had returned from Qatar as saying “their meetings there were very positive.”

Axios quoted a Qatari official as saying: “Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani informed the families of six US and Israeli detainees… Doha“The killing of Saleh Aluri complicates efforts to reach a new prisoner exchange agreement.”

The official added that Qatar's prime minister briefed families of U.S. and Israeli detainees on the challenges Doha faces in reaching a new deal.

He continued: “Qatar has informed the families of detainees that it has become more difficult to talk to Hamas, especially after the events in Beirut.”

Axios also quoted Qatari officials as saying that maintaining lines of communication with Hamas has become more difficult as bombing in Gaza and elsewhere escalates.

source : Al Jazeera+ Agency + israeli media

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