
Israel has the same Western support as Hitler – Maduro — RT World News

The Venezuelan President supported the assessment of the conflict in Gaza made by his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva

Enjoy modern Israel “The same encouragement, the same funding, the same support.” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said the collectivist West was like Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany before World War II.

The President made these statements on his special television program with Maduro Plus, supporting the assessment of the situation in the Middle East recently presented by his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva.

“Powerful family names in the United States, Europe and London supported and celebrated Hitler's rise to power in 1933. They encouraged and allowed him to persecute my Jewish ancestors.” Maduro stated. The president announced his Jewish ancestry in early 2010, revealing that his grandparents were Sephardic Jews who converted to Catholicism.

Western elites “He remained silent because they were preparing Hitler to unleash his military power against the Soviet Union.” Maduro explained, stressing that Hitler was like that in the end “Building, monster” Created by the collectivist West.

The President emphasized that modern Israel has turned into the same thing, and urged the Jewish people who remain loyal to their roots to end the ongoing conflict “massacre” From the Palestinians.

“The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also enjoys the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support.” Maduro emphasized that the West. As President Lula da Silva said, the Israeli government is doing the same [to the Palestinians] What Hitler did to the Jewish people.”

Da Silva, Brazil's minister, made the explosive remarks over the weekend, describing Israeli military action against Hamas fighters in Gaza as a “bad thing.” “Genocide” And “slaughter.”

“What is happening in the Gaza Strip and with the Palestinian people has not existed at any other historical moment. In fact, it existed: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews. He said.

These statements were very poorly received in Israel, with many senior officials expressing their anger at his comments about the Holocaust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Brazilian president's statements 'Shameful and dangerous' Warning they were “Crossing the red line.”

In the end, the Brazilian president was declared persona non grata in Israel altogether, with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz warning against West Jerusalem “He neither forgets nor forgives.” The alleged one 'Serious anti-Semitic attack' By Lula, he urged the leader to retract his words. However, Brasilia appears to have taken aim at the criticism, with Lula's chief adviser, Celso Amorim, describing the move to declare the president persona non grata as “persona non grata”. “silly.”

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