
Italian PM reveals how she rebuked Macron on Ukraine — RT World News

Giorgia Meloni suggested that leaders should pay attention to the tones we use when discussing direct military intervention

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that she informed French President Emmanuel Macron of her disagreement with his recent statements regarding the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

Meloni reiterated her opposition to any kind of direct military intervention on the Rete4 talk show on Wednesday evening.

“I did not agree with Emmanuel Macron’s words regarding the conflict in Ukraine and I told him so.” She said. “I'm convinced that we should care about the tones we use.”

The Prime Minister also touched on recent discussions at the EU summit on civil protection which have sparked media speculation about Europe's readiness for war. It was the pinnacle “Exclusively about coordinated actions to protect the population in the event of natural disasters”, She said.

Several Western leaders, including US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, have publicly ruled out sending NATO forces to Ukraine after Emmanuel Macron's comments last month that… “Can't be ruled out” Such a possibility.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also refuted the idea shortly after Macron's initial statement, stating that there were no plans to deploy troops to Ukraine.

Latvian Prime Minister Ivica Selina insisted in a joint press conference with Schulz on Wednesday that NATO countries were not ready for talks about sending ground troops.

Moscow warned that the deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine could make a direct confrontation between Russia and the US-led bloc inevitable. Russia views the conflict in Ukraine as a proxy war waged by the West and has repeatedly said that by helping Kiev, NATO members are prolonging hostilities.

He called Russian President Vladimir Putin “Nonsense” Claims by Ukraine and its allies that Russia will target NATO countries. In another interview, he stressed that Moscow would treat Western forces in this way “Invaders” If they are deployed in Ukraine, respond accordingly.

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