
Latin American diplomatic crisis intensifies — RT World News

Nicaragua severed diplomatic relations with Ecuador after police in Quito stormed the Mexican embassy

Nicaragua officially severed all ties with Ecuador, escalating diplomatic fallout over a police raid in Quito to arrest a politician who had sought refuge in the Mexican embassy.

The Nicaraguan government announced its decision on Saturday, announcing that “A firm, unequivocal and irrevocable rejection.” Storming of the Mexican diplomatic headquarters in Quito. The attack ended a months-long standoff over the Mexican embassy's sheltering of former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, who faces corruption charges.

“Given the extraordinary and reprehensible action in Quito by forces that are supposed to protect the order and safety of Ecuadorian citizens and their lives… we announce our sovereign decision to sever all diplomatic relations with the government of Ecuador.” Nicaraguan authorities said in a statement. They added that the Nicaraguan government condemns this “The neo-fascist political barbarism of the Ecuadorian government, whose wonderful people, as always, deserve all our love, support and solidarity.”

The statement also reaffirmed Nicaragua's position “Commitment to international law and agreements that govern civilizational relations between countries and governments around the world.”

Managua's rebuke came hours after Mexico severed diplomatic relations with Ecuador over the raid that occurred on Friday. Governments across South America – including Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela and Honduras – denounced the incident.

The Organization of American States issued a statement saying that Ecuador had violated the treaty “sanctity” Diplomatic property of another government. The regional group called for talks between the Ecuadorian and Mexican governments to resolve their differences.

Mexico granted Glass political asylum and rejected Ecuador's request to allow his arrest. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Glass was confronted “Persecution and harassment” It was a police raid “A flagrant violation of international law and Mexico’s sovereignty.” The Ecuadorian government claimed that the arrest was carried out to defend Quito's sovereignty and that Mexico had abused the law “Immunities and privileges granted to its diplomatic mission.”

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