
LISTEN to complete leaked Crimean Bridge attack recording — RT World News

German officers discussed sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine in a way that would avoid accusations of direct involvement

German military officials discussed how they could secretly help Ukraine destroy Russia's strategic Crimean Bridge, according to a leaked audio recording. They also stated that foreign military personnel have already been deployed in the country.

RT releases the 32-minute unedited and translated recording of the conversation that has caused an uproar in Germany and Russia.

Text and audio file in Russian were originally shared by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan. She claimed that the conversation involving four German officials took place on February 19, adding that Russian security officials handed it over to her.

The journalist identified the voices as those of the German Air Force Commander, General Ingo Gerhartz. The branch's deputy chief of staff for operations, Brigadier General Frank Greif; And two members of the German Aerospace Command's Air Operations Center.

Officials discussed potential deliveries of long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, as well as operational and targeting details. They also talked about ways to maintain plausible deniability so that Germany could avoid problematic accusations of direct involvement in the conflict.

They also discussed whether the Crimean Bridge could be destroyed by Taurus missiles, concluding that it would be hard to reach and strong enough to withstand many hits.

According to the leaked audio recording, Gerhartz mentioned this as well “There are a lot of people with American accents walking around [in Ukraine] In civilian clothes.” The conversation suggested that German officials were aware that the UK had personnel on the ground in Ukraine.

The recording caused an uproar in both Germany and Russia. The German army confirmed that the conversation was intercepted, and the matter is being investigated.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked for an explanation from Berlin, and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the recording leaves no doubt about it. “Germany is preparing for war with Russia.”

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