
Major General Duhuaili: The occupation defense minister lies to his people and his remarks are populist news

Military strategy expert, major general Fayez al-Dawairy Statement from the Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galante Produced to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of war Gaza Strip He lied to the people in a “populist speech.”

Galante told a news conference on Monday night that military force was key to freeing detainees in the Gaza Strip and achieving war goals, adding, “We have dismantled Hamas's fighting structure in all areas of the Gaza Strip ( ..) And 2024 will be the year of war and the year of victory.”

Duhuaili explained in Al Jazeera's military analysis that Galante said this because he knew that stopping the war would mean the end of politics for him and his prime minister. Benjamin NetanyahuOne will be consigned to the dustbin of history (Gallant), while the other will be sent to prison for financial corruption (Netanyahu).

Duwyry added that Galante was lying to his people when he said military pressure saved the lives of released prisoners. As it turned out, this could only be done through negotiation and mediation, and his army was unable to save the released prisoners. Instead, Galante tried to save his own neck by insisting the war continue.

Military experts pointed out that the continued firing of rockets by the Palestinian resistance group is also inconsistent with the military's statement that a unit was eliminated Qassam Brigade The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation), launching these missiles is a clear message that the Resistance is launching when and how it wants.

Regarding the news that the occupying forces announced their withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, military experts clarified that this cannot be called a withdrawal process or even a redeployment, but the replacement of some troops.

Du Huaili confirmed that the withdrawal of the 36th Division and the replacement of the 99th Division after suffering heavy losses did not start today, but 5 days ago, and what ultimately happened was the completion of this withdrawal, because in the end A company of tanks came out, engaged, and covered in fire to help her resolve the engagement.

The military expert believes that the course of the battle will not change significantly, but the objectives of the resistance will differ depending on the nature of the occupying forces' confrontation forces, because the 36th Division has multiple armored brigades, while the 99th Division consists of infantry and Composed of paratroopers.

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