
More US Republican senators want Ukraine peace talks – Politico — RT World News

There appears to be growing opposition in Washington to financing the conflict indefinitely

Several prominent Republicans in the US Senate have publicly advised Kiev to negotiate, as $61 billion in economic and military aid remains stalled in the House of Representatives.

Politico published quotes from three lawmakers on Tuesday, adding that their statements “Reflects a view in many quarters” Ukraine is unlikely to win.

He added: “The reality that we have to face at this stage is that this war ends with a negotiated settlement.” said Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. “The question is – when they finally figure it out – when we finally get to that point, who has more influence, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin or Ukraine?

His sentiments were echoed by Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, who voted with Rubio against sending more money to Kiev.

He added: “Washington always seems to be a few months behind the reality on the ground.” Vance said. He called the situation on the front “Stalemate, perhaps indefinite.” He added that He added: “We hope that this will lead to some kind of settlement where Ukraine keeps its country and the killing stops.”

It seems conflict “As if it could go on for a very long time.” Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana, who also opposed the additional funding, said, adding that he would do so “Take an enormous amount of money and time.” To move the front line from where it was.

Although many in Washington described the situation on the front as a… “stalemate” In fact, Russian forces have advanced steadily since seizing Ukraine's main stronghold of Avdiivka earlier this month.

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin urged his colleagues to do so “Face the truth” in letter In an oversight session on Tuesday. “The truth is that Vladimir Putin will not lose this war.” Johnson said. “Every day that this war continues…more of Ukraine is destroyed.”

On February 12, the Senate voted 70-29 to approve a $95.3 billion bill to fund the war effort in Kiev by more than $60 billion. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 21 other Republicans joined most Democrats in supporting the bill.

McConnell announced on Wednesday that he will retire from his leadership position in November, but insisted that he will serve out the rest of his term until January 2027. In his speech to the Senate, McConnell said that “They are not inconsistent with the good within our country and the irreplaceable role we play as leader of the free world.” Pledging to defend American exceptionalism “As long as I breathe on this earth.”

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