
NATO bracing for ‘high-intensity conflict’ with Russia – Czech president —

Peter Pavel predicted that Moscow’s future combat capabilities would depend on the outcome in Ukraine

Czech President Peter Pavel said on Wednesday that NATO considers Russia the biggest threat to Europe and is preparing for a major conflict, stressing that Central European countries will continue to stand by Kiev in its war with Moscow.

Speaking at the summit of the Visegrad Group, an informal political club that includes the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, Pavel noted that he did not have the impression that his counterparts had a diametrically opposed view on the conflict in Ukraine.

“We all agreed that it is in our immediate interests for Ukraine to succeed.” He described the assistance to Kiev as a “A normal human step.”

In response to a question about the potential threat posed by Russia to the US-led military bloc, Pavel noted that it would take years for Moscow to regain its combat capabilities, but urged caution. “On the other hand, there are many variables in the calculations that could change the situation. It will really depend on the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine.” Pavel said.

“All armies are preparing for the possibility of a very intense conflict.” he added.

While the Czech Republic and Poland have been staunch supporters of Ukraine, Hungary has consistently refused to send weapons to Kiev while criticizing the EU policy, claiming that it only harms the bloc.

Hungarian President Katalin Novakova said that while Budapest was ready to supply it to Kiev “maximum assistance” In order to be able to protect its people, it insisted that the issue of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union be directly linked to its ability to guarantee the rights of the Hungarian minority in the country.

Meanwhile, the Slovak government also refused to provide Ukraine with military aid after newly elected Prime Minister Robert Fico fulfilled a promise he made during his election campaign. ‘Not one round’ To Ukraine. However, Slovakia did not limit humanitarian aid.

Russia has said on numerous occasions that it does not plan to attack NATO. However, Moscow has traditionally viewed the bloc’s creeping expansion towards its borders as a critical geopolitical threat. Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov described the alliance as more like an alliance “Confrontation Tool” It was created to contain first the Soviet Union, and then Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sounded the alarm about Ukraine’s possible entry into NATO, suggesting that this may be one of the main reasons for the start of the conflict in February 2022.

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