
NATO in no rush to fight for Ukraine, Macron takes flak for escalatory idea — RT World News

The French president's suggestion that defeating Russia might require Western forces on the ground quickly backfired

Senior Western officials were quick to disavow comments by French President Emmanuel Macron this week that suggested some NATO members might deploy troops in Ukraine. Moscow responded by saying such a move would make direct war with the US-led military bloc “inevitable.”

Here's how the French leader apparently overstated his position, highlighting the lack of cohesion within NATO regarding how to handle the Ukraine crisis.

Anniversary meeting

Kiev supporters gathered in Paris on Monday at Macron's invitation to discuss what they should do as hostilities between Russia and Ukraine enter their third year. Ukrainian President Zelensky reportedly took part in the event, which was held behind closed doors, via video link.

Ukrainian forces have suffered a new series of battlefield setbacks over the past few weeks. The government is struggling to replenish lost forces, as parliament discusses mobilization reform, which would impose harsh penalties on conscription evaders. Meanwhile, partisan discord in the US Congress has kept the White House's request for additional aid for Ukraine in legislative limbo.

The Elysee Palace described the gathering as a way for the participants “Emphasizing their unity” And express their determination to defeat Russia. Some guests critical of the Western approach have previously expressed their concerns. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said the agenda “Sends chills down my spine.”

Macron detonates a bomb

Following private discussions, Macron described various ways in which the West could strengthen Kiev's position at a news conference, arguing that preventing a Russian victory serves European security interests. there was “There is no consensus on official support for any ground forces.” He said while controversially adding that “Nothing should be ruled out.”

EU members have gradually prepared to provide Kiev with increasingly sophisticated weapons; While they were originally offered “Just sleeping bags and helmets.” Macron said that they have since taken steps to provide long-range missiles and combat aircraft. He claimed that the same could happen with the deployment of troops, but he refused to specify which countries would like to send their armies.

No, never, no!

However, European officials quickly refused to deny that they had any intention of putting boots on the ground in Ukraine. From skeptical Hungary and Slovakia to staunchly pro-Ukrainian countries such as Poland and Germany, governments have confirmed that no such plans are in the works.

The same message came from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Washington. President Joe Biden He added: “It was clear that the United States would not send troops to fight in Ukraine.” National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told the media.

Some French politicians rebuked Macron. Florian Filippou, of the small nationalist Patriots party, urged lawmakers to stop the president if he tries to interfere in Ukraine by denying him permission. Representative Jean-Luc Mélenchon described Macron's idea “Madness,” Claiming that it would pit the nuclear powers directly against each other.

The inevitability of war

The Russian government reacted with some concern. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that while most of Macron's anti-Russian rhetoric at the press conference was merely a repetition of things he has said in the past, the general suggestion of recognizing the presence of NATO forces in Ukraine was new.

If it were achieved, people would do it “We should not talk about probability, but about inevitability.” The official pointed out that there is a direct clash between Russia and NATO. Peskov said Western leaders should think carefully about how this serves their national interests.

Western officials have previously acknowledged the presence of small specialized military units in Ukraine. The practice was confirmed by sources cited by the Financial Times on Tuesday, as the backlash against Macron's comments emerged.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin pointed out that the French president resorted to using the Ukrainian crisis to ward off criticism directed at his internal policies.

To maintain his personal power, Macron found no better option than to ignite World War III. He said that his initiatives had become a threat to the people of France.

Western press: Macron's plan backfired on NATO

French President “Try to fill the leadership void.” Washington left it, but his attempt 'It backfired' Policy expert Jana Buglerin told the Wall Street Journal. he “It has unnecessarily opened up the possibility of a split in NATO, whose member states are deeply skeptical about this issue. This is not the way to strengthen European unity and strength.”

The disaster led to “Confusion about alliance unity and questions about whether his comments amount to an empty threat.” The New York Times wrote. USA Today described Macron's proposal as a… “The test balloon was quickly punctured.”

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