
News of Israeli military base targeting Shaba farms

After a relatively quiet night along the Lebanese-Israeli border, a battery of missiles fired from southern Lebanon targeted an Israeli military base in the Shab'a Farms.

Uri Goldin, commander of the northern region responsible for overseeing the border between Lebanon and Syria, said that the Israeli army is more vigilant and prepared on the Lebanese border today and is ready to deal with all eventualities and continues to strengthen its forces.

Godin noted that tens of thousands of troops are deployed along the border to protect it and provide security for Israelis in the Galilee region, which borders Lebanon.

The Israeli Army said earlier that its air force and artillery launched a joint attack on military targets in the Wadi Saruki area of ​​southern Lebanon on Tuesday, including military buildings and infrastructure containing combat means.Hezbollah.

Israel has launched a series of intensive air strikes in southern Lebanon's Wadi Saluki, Lebanese and Israeli sources said, in a rare admission of special operations on the border.

air raid

Lebanese security sources told Reuters that Wadi Saruki had been hit by at least 16 rapid and consecutive air strikes, calling the attacks “the most intense bombing of a single location” since the fighting in the border area began three months ago.

The Israeli army said it carried out “air strikes and artillery strikes” on Hezbollah positions and weapons infrastructure in the densely forested Saluki Valley “in a very short period of time”.

He added that his special forces launched an attack in the Aita Shaab region of southern Lebanon to “eliminate the threat” and that his aircraft also bombed Hezbollah anti-tank missile launch pads in the area.

The Israeli military rarely acknowledges the actions of its special forces and makes no specific mention of where they took place or the types of threats neutralized.

Lebanese security sources did not confirm whether Hezbollah targets were hit, but they said the group used the Wadi Saluki to fire missiles into Israel, while Hezbollah said on Tuesday it fired missiles at Israeli forces across the mountainous border.

Since October 8 last year, Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian factions have engaged in intermittent shelling with Israel every day, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of people, including civilians and journalists, on both sides of the border.

Since October 7, the Israeli army has been waging a devastating war against… Gaza According to the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations, as of yesterday (Tuesday), 24,285 martyrs and 61,154 people had been injured, and more than 85% of the Gaza Strip's population (about 1.9 million people) had been displaced.

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