
Night Walks…The Magical Lifestyle Tip for a Restful Sleep

Research shows that walking for about 30 minutes a day can have long-term health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease by 80%.

“It’s been shown that people who walk regularly have lower rates of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure and higher levels of good cholesterol,” said Tamana Singh, a professor in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

She added that there is substantial evidence that “walking, an aerobic activity, can achieve health and psychological benefits including reducing bad cholesterol, controlling weight by reducing the desire to eat, lowering blood sugar levels or helping to prevent diabetes altogether, and it may also protect joints. “It can enhance immune system function and reduce the risk of cancer. “

Additionally, walking releases endorphins in the body, which helps reduce tension and stress, improve sleep, and improve mood.

Take a two-hour walk before bed
Spending time with company can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation (Pixel)

The importance of taking a walk before going to bed at night

In addition to its previous benefits, walking is becoming increasingly important for those who need a good night’s sleep, as the fast pace of modern life has made sleep problems so common everywhere that they affect approximately one in three adults worldwide. Symptoms of people with this condition, according to the Cleveland Clinic, include insomnia, then mood disorders, difficulty concentrating, and memory difficulties.

That rate is high due to the spread of behaviors that cause insomnia, Dr. Neil Bulfin, an expert in regenerative medicine (drugs that regenerate cells or tissues in the body to restore their function), explained to Fortune New York. For example, drinking too much coffee and caffeine, or staring at screens and devices for long periods of time can lead to insomnia.” “Emitting blue light, or eating before going to bed.”

In addition to health issues that may affect our sleep, such as conditions that cause chronic pain, difficulty breathing, or waking up to urinate. Consider taking an evening walk before bed is a great practice for anyone who wants to challenge the many factors that contribute to nighttime insomnia.

Research shows that taking a walk before bed at night can help you fall asleep faster, improve sleep quality, and stay asleep longer.

Dr. Bulfin also notes that taking an evening walk before bed stimulates the sleep hormone (melatonin) in the dark and away from screens and artificial light, sending a message to the body that it’s time to reduce stress and calm the sympathetic nervous system (which One of its functions is to control pupil dilation), eyes, defecation, urination) and preparation for sleep.

Take a two-hour walk before bed
As long as the goal is sleep, make your night walk easy and peaceful; there’s no need to turn it into strenuous, rigorous exercise (Pixels).

The most important rules for walking at night

Before you start your experience, you must know the most important rules of night walking to take full advantage of it, these rules are:

  • take it easy:

As long as the goal is sleep, nighttime walking should be easy and calm, and there’s no need to turn into “a strenuous and rigorous exercise,” as the doctor puts it. “The body takes longer to cool down after strenuous exercise,” so it’s best to exercise earlier in the day, Bulvin explains.

To keep you safe on your nightly walks, Dr. Bulfin and experts recommend the following:

  • Take a walk with a partner or company“Walking in the workplace has many positive effects on our collective mental health and reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation through conversation, exchange and shared experiences,” says Dr. Let others know where you are going and have family or loved ones track your location.
  • Walking in a familiar place, It is best if the road is familiar to you and does not have a lot of bushes or dark places, so that you will feel more comfortable when walking.
  • Wear reflective markersClothes and shoes with reflective markings on the front and back can help increase your visibility and also help cars recognize you when walking at night. It’s a good idea to wear a headlamp to illuminate any dark areas you may encounter on the road.
  • Stay away from riversWalk on sidewalks away from car lanes and against traffic so you can see and interact with vehicles.

without headphones

Dr. Bulfin recommends that if you want a rewarding nighttime walk, avoid distractions like cell phones and leave your headphones at home. Dr. Bulfin stresses the importance of keeping all your senses alert in the dark, warning that “no matter what music or podcasts you listen to, you’re going to be stuck.” Your favorite songs may even be stuck in your head before bed Repeat until three o’clock in the morning. “

Complete your walk an hour and a half before bed

According to research, it’s recommended to wait at least 90 minutes between completing a walk and going to bed “because the body’s core temperature rises during walking exercise and takes approximately 90 minutes to return to normal,” says Dr. Bulfin doesn’t recommend walking before bed. To have the opportunity to shower immediately, get ready for bed, and read in bed, stay away from bright lights, distracting TV shows or movies, and anything else that might aid sleep. The effects of melatonin stimulated by walking at night are lost. “

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