
No Russia at Davos – ambassador — RT World News

The Russian envoy in Switzerland says it is a loss for the World Economic Forum, not for Moscow

The Russian Ambassador to Switzerland, Sergei Jarmonin, confirmed that Russia will once again be absent from the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos early next year.

This high-level meeting of international business and political figures is scheduled to be held in the Swiss Alpine resort from January 15 to 19.

He added: “Russia will not be represented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, because the organizers did not send invitations to the Russians last year and this year.” Jarmonen told TASS news agency on Tuesday.

Russia was absent from Davos 2023 after organizers said it would not participate in the event “Unwelcome” because For the military operation carried out by Moscow in Ukraine. According to the World Economic Forum, its relations with Russian companies subject to sanctions due to the conflict have been frozen.

The ambassador said he did not believe Russia would lose anything if it missed the World Economic Forum again in 2024. “In my opinion, only the forum loses from such a decision.” He said. According to Jarmonin, Moscow “We will continue to solve…problems in other formats and on other platforms.”

The diplomat also criticized Swiss organizers' plans to hold a meeting dedicated to discussions on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's ten-point peace plan to settle the conflict with Russia. Meetings like this “Detached from reality and lacking any added value. “They will not bring peace any closer.” he argued.

Zelensky “Peace formula” It calls for Russia's withdrawal from all territory claimed by Kiev, reparations from Moscow, and a war crimes tribunal.

Ukraine He added: “He is not in a position to issue any ultimatum to Russia, and everyone understands that very well.” Jarmonen insisted. “The Kiev regime, which has no hope of achieving even the slightest success on the battlefield, is denying the obvious and feeding the West with futile projects in its attempts to obtain another military aid package.”

Russia's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, said last week that Kiev had squandered its chances of reaching an agreement. “suitable” Agreement with Moscow. “Any possible agreement now would be a reflection of its surrender.” He wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

During a question-and-answer session on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted on this “There will be peace [in Ukraine] When we achieve our goals.” The objectives of the Russian military operation “do not change,” and include: “Denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine and its neutral status” Putin confirmed.

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