
North Korea shreds military accord with Seoul

The South was the first to suspend parts of the deal after the DPRK launched a satellite

North Korea withdrew from a 2018 agreement aimed at reducing military tensions with Seoul, vowing to deploy additional troops to the demilitarized zone after South Korea said it would scrap a previously agreed-upon no-fly zone in the region.

in statement The North Korean Ministry of Defense said, according to the official Korean Central News Agency, on Thursday, that it would cancel the military agreement in response to North Korea. “Intense confrontational madness” Seoul condemned the DPRK’s military launch of a new reconnaissance satellite earlier this week.

“We will withdraw the military steps taken to prevent military tension and conflict in all areas including land, sea and air, and will deploy more powerful armed forces and new-type military equipment in the region along the military demarcation line.” The ministry said in reference to a strip of land on either side of the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas.

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He continued to defend the satellite launch as “The legal and legitimate exercise of sovereignty” Saying new technology will be used for “Strict observation and careful preparation for various military actions of the enemy.”

South Korea said on Wednesday that it would partially revoke the 2018 agreement in response to the satellite test, which it described as a “nuclear attack.” ‘Clear violation’ Due to the sanctions imposed by the United Nations on North Korea’s missile program. Officials said the army would resume air surveillance flights near the demilitarized zone, which were suspended under the agreement, and described the move as… “An essential measure to protect people’s lives and safety.”

He added: If North Korea launches provocations under the pretext of suspension, we will respond immediately and forcefully until the end. South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik added.

Pyongyang went on to say it would do so “Never be obligated” Agreeing again, describing Seoul’s actions “An explicit expression of hostility towards the DPRK state.”

The military agreement, signed in September 2018 under the previous administration of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, established buffer zones and no-fly zones along the DMZ in an attempt to reduce the risk of incidents between the two sides, and called for the clearing of territory. Mines, guard posts and other weapons from the border area. Both Seoul and Pyongyang have accused each other of violating the agreement in the past, with South Korea claiming at least 17 violations since the agreement was signed.

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