
North Korean leader hails ‘new era of space power’ — RT World News

Kim Jong Un celebrated the successful launch of a spy satellite, calling it a self-defense breakthrough for Pyongyang.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un praised the military breakthrough achieved with his country’s successful launch of its first spy satellite, saying it would help protect Pyongyang from threats. “Dangerous and aggressive movements” From her opponents.

Kim attended a celebration of the satellite program on Thursday, where he praised scientists and technicians from North Korea’s National Space Technology Administration (NATA), according to the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). He and his wife were photographed smiling and waving in a banquet hall in Pyongyang, where his daughter Jo Ae and space agency workers were seen wearing identical NATA T-shirts.

Launching on Tuesday “Boycott pushed into a new era of space power.” Kim said. He called for the deployment of a spy satellite “Full exercise of the right to self-defense.” A few hours after the launch, the North Korean government claimed that Kim was already viewing photos of US military bases on the island of Guam.

Kim was inspecting images taken by a spy satellite, KCNA reported on Friday “Main target areas” Including the cities of Seoul and South Korea that host US military bases. South Korean officials said it was too early to verify the satellite’s capabilities.

Seoul responded to the launch by partially suspending the 2018 military de-escalation agreement with North Korea, and resuming surveillance flights near the inter-Korean border. North Korea’s Defense Ministry, which announced on Thursday that it would terminate the agreement, said South Korea would do so “Pay dearly” she has “reckless” A decision to breach the agreement.

The launch of the Malejeong-1 satellite on Tuesday came after failed attempts in May and August. South Korea’s National Intelligence Service said Thursday that Pyongyang likely received technological assistance from Russia, making a successful launch possible.

North Korean Prime Minister Kim Tok-hoon said that the satellite will enable Pyongyang to strike targets anywhere in the world. The project was a key component of North Korea’s five-year military development plan, presented in January 2021, which also included solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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