
Occupation forces instruct northern hospitals to prepare to receive thousands of wounded

Israeli state channels reported late on Tuesday that the health ministry had instructed northern hospitals to prepare to treat thousands of wounded amid an escalation of the situation. Hezbollah Lebanese.

The Kan channel (official) of the Israel Broadcasting Corporation stated that the Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Moshe Bar Siman Tov, instructed all Israeli hospitals to switch to emergency mode within 24 hours after a diagnosis. Ask for this.

She explained that this means that, if necessary, hospitals will move to protected places (shelters), release patients who can be discharged, and prepare to receive many infected people.

She continued: “Hospitals in the north are also required to be able to reach emergencies within a few hours and to maintain 50% occupancy if necessary in order to receive the injured only in protected areas.”

The channel said that the Israeli Ministry of Health is also preparing for the situation in which medical personnel themselves are injured or forced to join the reserve force, so a reserve of doctors from abroad is being prepared.

According to the ministry, it has also instructed the Northern Ziv Hospital in Safed and the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya to prepare for a situation on the remote island that could last for several days without medical supplies, medicines and food. Same source.

Kahn said some 7,000 Jewish doctors have expressed a desire to volunteer and help and will be asked to come to Israel to help if necessary.

Observers say Hezbollah's role as a front in support of Gaza and its ability to maintain specific rules of engagement in its military confrontation with Israel has broken down, and its battle with Israel has expanded as Israel carries out assassinations in Lebanon.

After the assassination of the deputy director of the Tel Aviv Movement’s Political Bureau, the confrontation between the two sides escalated agitation Saleh Aluri On January 2, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Wissam Tawil, a well-known Hezbollah field commander, was killed in an Israeli attack on his car in southern Lebanon on Monday.

Earlier on Tuesday, Hezbollah used drones to bomb the headquarters of the Israeli army's Northern Command in Safed (north) for the first time in this round of confrontations. Israel responded by assassinating three Hezbollah members.

Solidarity Gaza StripHezbollah and Palestinian factions in Lebanon have been engaging in intermittent shelling with the Israeli army every day since October 8, causing dozens of casualties on both sides of the border.

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