
One week into Operation Qassam: 42 vehicles destroyed and 22 Israeli soldiers killed news

she announced izdin qassam brigade The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) – in a statement – over the past week it was able to destroy 42 military vehicles from scratch and kill 22 Israeli soldiers.

Today, the brigade said its fighters sniped four Israeli soldiers with Qassam Ghoul rifles east of the central camp of Brighi. Gaza Strip.

Qassam militants also managed to destroy two tanks Merkava Secondyassin shells 105 The Gaza Strip south of the city of Khan Younis also witnessed mortar attacks on occupation soldiers and invasion vehicles.

The Bani Suhayra area east of Khan Yunis witnessed an Israeli infantry unit being attacked with anti-personnel devices, resulting in casualties and injuries.

Qassam militants also clashed with Israeli infantry with machine guns near the Kuwaiti hub south of Gaza City's Zaitoun neighborhood.

The brigades said they were able to work with… Holy City Brigade military wingIslamic Jihad Movement Mortar shells were targeted at a concentration of occupation forces south of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

It confirmed that it targeted Israeli infantry with machine guns, causing casualties among its members near Alsika Street, south of the Zaitoun neighborhood.

As part of the operation announced by Qassam, the group said its militants were able to seize March An Israeli aircraft flew east of the Zaitoun neighborhood and explained that the Skylark aircraft was conducting an intelligence mission east of the Zaitoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

In the same context, Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a statement that their fighters “succeeded in the past week to completely or partially destroy 42 military vehicles and eliminate 22 Zionists from scratch Soldiers of ism.”

He added that they “killed and wounded dozens of people in 52 different military missions, during which invading Zionist forces were targeted by missiles, counter-hardened devices, anti-personal devices, machine guns and sniper weapons.”

Abu Ubaida revealed that Qassam militants blew up a house and “four tunnel entrances and a minefield among enemy soldiers and fired a missile at a helicopter over the Gaza Strip.” surface-to-air missile,” without specifying the location.

Qassam fighter jets were also able to “shoot down a Hermes 900 reconnaissance aircraft and capture a Skylark aircraft and two drones.”

In a related context, Al Jazeera obtained footage of members of the Qassam Brigades ambushing Israeli forces south of the Zaitoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

Qassam said its militants killed and wounded an Israeli infantry unit and attacked a military vehicle that came to rescue the unit.

The Quds Force broadcast images purportedly targeting Israeli troops trapped inside a building in Khan Younis.

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