
Orban isn’t ‘pro-Russian’ – Ukrainian FM — RT World News

The top diplomat in Kiev admitted that Budapest protects Hungarian national interests

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba believes that the Hungarian leadership is not like that “Pro-Russian” Despite attempts by some Western media and politicians to classify them as such.

Kuleba held a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, Peter Szijjártó, on Monday, seeking to find common ground regarding Hungary’s blocking of financial aid provided by the European Union to Kiev. in interview With the Hungarian news portal Telex, the Ukrainian minister was asked about the allegations by Szijjártó and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. “Pro-Russian” Attitudes.

If such a thing were confirmed, it would represent a big problem for both the EU and Hungary. But I think they are pro-Hungary.” Kuliba said. He added: “If they were pro-Russian, Peter would not have announced at today's meeting that he respects Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.”

As for Budapest's repeated calls for a negotiated solution to the Ukrainian crisis, Kuleba admitted “We have a different view on this already: we believe that Russia can be forced to enter into meaningful negotiations only on the basis of the results achieved on the battlefield.”

Hungary, which relies heavily on Russian energy, has repeatedly criticized EU policy in Ukraine, while refusing to supply arms to Kiev and denouncing sanctions imposed on Moscow as damaging to the bloc's economy.

While some Western politicians and media described Orban as… “Pro-Russian” Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov rejected this idea, noting that this classification is applied to those leaders who tend to “Think about the sovereignty of their nation… [and] Defending the interests of their country.”

European Union leaders meet on Thursday to discuss an economic aid package for Ukraine worth 50 billion euros over four years, drawn from the bloc's collective budget. Orban is the only EU leader to pledge to oppose the package, and the EU Council has allegedly responded by drawing up plans to sabotage the Hungarian economy. While a Council spokesman refused to confirm or deny the Financial Times report, Orban told Le Point newspaper on Monday “We don't come from kindergarten.”

“It's some kind of blackmail evidence.” He said. “It is important for Europeans to understand that member states, if they disagree on issues such as war, migration and gender, will immediately be exposed to an imperialist reaction from Brussels.”

According to Orban, Hungary has achieved a “settlement offer” To the Council, which will see the distribution of aid to Ukraine every year after a unanimous vote by member states. But Orban did not clarify whether he would retain veto power or give it up if the bloc rejected his offer.

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