
Pentagon ‘frustrated’ with UK over Yemen leak – Telegraph — RT World News

News of the expected strikes on Houthi websites leaked to the British press hours before they began

US officials are angry that the decision to carry out strikes in Yemen was leaked to British media, The Telegraph reported, citing a person familiar with the matter.

According to the report, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made his decision to give the green light to the military operation during an urgent Cabinet meeting at around 11 a.m. local time on Thursday. Usually, such strikes are not officially announced until after the bombers return to their bases.

News of the meeting and its agenda were soon leaked to The Times, which reported that the UK and US would begin strikes. “during hours.”

U.S. military “They expressed their frustration with their counterparts.” The Telegraph quoted her “In good position” The source says. The newspaper added that the UK government tried to determine how sensitive information was leaked. The source described the officials' reaction as: “Deeply disappointed.”

The United States has not commented publicly on reports surrounding the preparation of the strikes. British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps told The Telegraph on Friday that it was “I am not aware of any frustrations in Washington.”

The White House said that during Thursday's strikes, the allies struck sites linked to the production of drones and missiles that the Houthis use to attack commercial ships along the vital Red Sea route. A US destroyer separately fired Tomahawk cruise missiles at a radar facility the next day, according to US Central Command.

The Houthis – a Shiite Islamist group that has controlled much of Yemen since mid-2010 – have vowed to continue attacks on “Linked to Israel” Commercial ships until Israel ends its ongoing war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

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