
Poland ready to host US nuclear weapons — RT World News

Poland is open to hosting US nuclear weapons amid the crisis with Russia over Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda said.

In an interview with Polish daily Fakt on Monday, the leader acknowledged that the issue of bringing US nuclear weapons to his country, which is much closer to Russian territory, “It has been a topic of Polish-American conversations for some time.” The United States currently has nuclear weapons stationed in five NATO member states: Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey.

“I've already talked about this several times.” Duda continued. “I must admit that when I was asked about it, I declared our readiness.”

The reason for this situation is that, he said “Russia is increasingly militarizing” Kaliningrad is isolated on the borders with Poland and Lithuania, adding that Moscow has also deployed its nuclear weapons in Belarus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in the neighboring country, which is also Moscow's main ally, last year. At the time, he said the move was due to Britain's decision to supply depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine. The president also noted that the United States has maintained nuclear weapons in Europe for decades.

Duda explained this further “If our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of the nuclear engagement also on our territory to enhance the security of NATO’s eastern flank, we are ready for that.”

He noted that Poland, as a member of NATO, has certain obligations, and “In this regard, we are simply implementing a common policy.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in January that Moscow viewed nuclear assets owned by the United States, the United Kingdom and France as a threat. “The only nuclear arsenal directed at the Russian Federation” Since NATO announced it “Main threat.” He added that Russia takes this reality into account in its nuclear policy.

Moscow has repeatedly said that it should never fight a nuclear war, and it has never threatened to use its nuclear arsenal.

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