
Pope labels gender ideology ‘ugliest danger’ — RT World News

The Pope said that “abolishing the differences” between men and women threatens humanity

Pope Francis condemned gender theory as… “The ugly ideology of our time” Warning that erasing gender discrimination poses a danger to humanity.

Speaking at the international symposium “Man and Woman: The Image of God” at the Vatican on Friday, the 87-year-old Pope said. “It is important that this encounter, this encounter between men and women, because the ugliest and ugliest danger today is the gender ideology that eliminates differences.” Claiming that “Abolishing differences means abolishing humanity.”

These statements came in reference to what Pope A “prophetic” Book – “Master of the World,” a dystopian novel published by a Catholic priest in 1907 about a world in which religion has no place.

“Man and woman are in constant tension” he added.

The comments appeared to contradict a recent Vatican ruling allowing the blessing of same-sex couples, which some see as a move aimed at making the church, which maintains a strict ban on same-sex marriage, more inclusive of gay people. Community.

The document, titled 'Fiducia Supplicans', was approved by Pope Francis in December last year with a view to being examined. “The Possibility of Blessings for Couples in Irregular Statuses and for Same-Sex Couples.” Provided that it is not so “Granted in conjunction with, not even in connection with, civil union ceremonies.”

The Russian Orthodox Church criticized the decision, saying that the Catholic Church's views on same-sex couples contradict Christian teachings.

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